Shiny Chrome Witnessedbot

I’m not tsk-tsk-ing you. And frankly, as a church secretary, it didn’t strike me as a silly joke, it struck me as horrifying. I would be the one to open that envelope. It’s the kind of thing that is very real for me: when I was a kid, the church we attended had to get all the staff (which included my father) trained

Religious views =/= dumbass ignorance that has been disproved over and over again by science.

Me, too.

Beat me to it.

I’m not arguing that. But that’s not my point. Most American churches are NOT megachurches, or run by televangelists. Most American churches work quietly and don’t make a big production. Just because those things are scams and need to be stopped or at least regulated doesn’t mean all churches are that way.

Look, I don’t expect everyone to believe the same things I do, but please don’t be disrespectful about personal, deeply-held beliefs that are very important to many people and give them solace and meaning in life. Because some religious people are asshats doesn’t mean you have to be one to those who aren’t.

*sigh* No, you don’t. a) Most churches do lots of actual real good and do not line their pastors’ pockets or anyone else’s b) the person who gets the mail and who would have to deal with that is just an employee who gets paid and doesn’t necessarily have any relationship with the church beyond professional. We don’t

She has been diagnosed with Grave’s, so this is a possibility. It is a thyroid disorder, which can affect weight, which would tie in with her statements that she doesn’t want it commented upon if she gains or loses ten pounds.

Actually, for most artists, the need to create is very real. Getting airplay and selling records allows them to create as they want and not spend all of their time and energy working at other jobs.

No. The need/desire/talent to make amazing music and express yourself through your art does not mean that you no longer have the right to privacy. Not everyone who wants to make art does it simply to be famous. They do it because creating and performing feeds their souls. Fame is, for many artists, a side-effect that

Well, yeah. In Kim Davis’ logic land, that’s perfectly possible

Behold my shocked face:

Yeah, that was my reaction. With a bit of a shudder.

My horrible ex watched that movie OVER AND OVER AND OVER. He told me how smart and thoughtful and amazing it was and how much it spoke to his soul. GAWD.

Yeah, but, look, the Shins are really good. You can’t blame the Shins for Zach Braff’s idiocy.

YES. He should also feel bad about The Last Kiss. Very, very, very bad.

My eldest is 11. He finds Trump’s rhetoric sophomoric.

So many things about this article are making me angry right now.