Your dad is a treasure.
Your dad is a treasure.
HIS NAME IS ORFANELLO. This is the best thing I have seen all day. How did she come up with this exciting name?
Why? Why would you hang that in your child’s room? Call me weird, but my sons’ room is full of artwork that THEY chose. Am I enamored of the massive Skylanders poster on their door? No. But it’s their fucking room. Do I think it would be awesome to create rainbow zebra stripes on canvas to go with their rainbow zebra…
Ugh, my former mother-in-law does this and it’s so annoying. I collect dolls, but they are all in a display case where they can’t get mussed (also, I dont’ have very many life-like dolls — I tend to go for the stylized dolls created by various cultures worldwide), not sitting in high chairs or at wee old-fashioned…
Yes, there are people who do that, and it’s incredibly sad and they deserve nothing but love and support. but in all likelihood, those people wouldn’t leave the doll in the car in a parking lot. Because they think of it as their child, they really do treat it as such, including bringing it into the store. Their grief…
In which case, they should lug around that damn baby carrier through the mall, like parents of non-doll babies do.
Oh, man, I mean my whole future planning has been based on the idea that I would just submit to Carousel in a couple of years. I really didn’t plan for retirement at all.
Wait, we don’t? Are you saying that I need to stop pouring all of my money into extravagant funeral plans for next year? If I need to cancel the deposit on the Cleopatra sarcophagus, I need to do it quickly.
Roller Disco Cranston is the Best Cranston. Always.
No, I think it’s kinda legit. And actually, his comment acknowledges the crap pregnant women have to put up with — and with the assumption that everyone is already on-page with the fact that it’s BS pregnant women are constantly getting petted/touched.
All is forgiven, no worries. To be ungreyed, you have to be followed for thevparticukar blog by an author. There is no set procedure, sadly. Just..... Keep on keepin’ on? Reply to the article itself, or to the author if they comment; that way they are more likely to see you and follow you for the blog. For an…
Do that. Watch it drunk, and with friends who enjoy MST3King the shit out of things. But it is worth it for this:
Cool. Go now and sin no more.
Are you talking about Miracle Day? Ugh. It has some really amazingly good moments, but for the most part I headcanon that it never happened. Because so much of it is just awful. Bad writing, bad acting, massive plot holes (from a franchise that is infamous for plot holes), really fuzzy logic, bad science that I just…
Right. But really, that’s why you’re getting such backlash from so many people re: your original comment. You seem to be actually trying to listen and understand, which is why I’m going to keep talking, ok? We get told constantly, by individual men (because it is NOT just tv that makes us believe we aren’t good enough…
Your leg was clearly begging for it
(Since somebody already used “Bitches get stuff done”)
No, I figured you didn’t mean it like that. It’s just that, as women, we get told SO MUCH SHIT about what to do with our own bodies, that even when a male-type person is trying to be kind/helpful/caring it tends to feel like space boy up there.
1) You are absolved of feeling like an idiot. To me, Andy Cooper is what happens when Torchwood’s Gwen Cooper marries her partner from the police force....
No, no, that’s where I went, too. In fact, I was trying to figure out just how fucked up her torso/understanding of anatomy must be that her vagina in now in her waist....