But it doesn’t even look like he’s actually wearing the apron! It looks like the apron is shopped on (I can tell because pixels, y’all), which means the background probably is, too. I’m not sure if this makes it better or worse.
But it doesn’t even look like he’s actually wearing the apron! It looks like the apron is shopped on (I can tell because pixels, y’all), which means the background probably is, too. I’m not sure if this makes it better or worse.
Pff. I don’t live in NY and even I know celebs can wander mostly unmolested. He probably got accosted by one tween and wrote this tweet to look all important. Even singular Beatles didn’t get chased around like the Beatles in Hard Day’s Night while in New York.
Video footage of everyone passing by the dollar section ever
Former preschool teacher here, and, yes, that’s when we start the indoctrination. We play Howard Zinn for them during naptime so they can take it in through osmosis. And then we sit down and recite “It’s not about states’ rights” twenty times before each meal.
They’re everywhere. For the right wingers it tends to be less granola and more “keep your gub’mint off my body!” (unless it’s my uterus, then, please, come on in.)
No, it’s the best possible photo selection. It is a photo that encapsulates all the terrors this brave mother was saving her child from.
Maybe we could start predicting Yoko’s tweets by combining the two:
They clearly timed the release of information so that she wouldn’t be able to include it tonight.
Seriously, Cuban? Trump in no way makes it possible for “smart people” to run. He makes it possible for multi-billionaires to run.
That Kim/Kylie pic makes me uncomfortable because it makes me ashamed of my eyebrows. :(
It’s never not funny ever to anyone with a soul
Don’t worry sensei. Some of us are learning, we promise.
Does that mean you get to wear the Tina Turner earrings? Because that really could make it all worth it.
This is why you shouldn’t let babies play with sharp objects.
I do not like that eyebrow game.
I want more Googletranslated dirtbag. We could put E! articles into random languages and then translate them back into English. I’m sure the results would be illuminating.
Or can we just start a campaign to mail him breast pumps? I’d say we should mail him pics of women nursing, but I don’t want to provide him with wanking material.
Except needing to nurse and not being able to hurts much more. It can be a sharp, stabbing pain. And if you don’t take care of it, you can get blocked and infected milk ducts, which are just as horribly painful as they sound.
Trump is so slimy that even the Ferengi think he’s crooked and not to be trusted or dealt with.