Shiny Chrome Witnessedbot


Missed opportunity


Please don’t talk to that troll

Jeez, you’re still here? You can’t “opt out” of sexual competition or sexuality of any kind, and nobody gets tattoos to please your aesthetic tastes. It may surprise you to know that different people find different things sexy. It may also surprise you that she probably didn’t care how it would affect your boner or

Emma Stone is buddies with Woody Allen? *sigh* I was unaware that she was in a movie of his. Between this and the whole Aloha thing, I like her less now, and that is annoying.

Kara, you are a treasure. Thank you for what you do here.

Tay would not lie to you about your time

And then TSwift would have appeared to you and told you that it was not your time and to go away from the light.

Not enough Spice, obvs. I prescribe daily reading of the Litany Against Fear, and regular Spice Orgies. This should take care of any difficulties.

Ask and ye shall receive

Quite. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

So say we all

Kim is the only science project that matters. She and Yeezus are part of the Bene Gesserit’s breeding program, and eventually their progeny and Beyonce’s progeny will produce the Kwisatz Haderach. The Spice must flow.

I will hate you forever for bringing this story into my life.

How dare your opinion not exactly match the Hive’s at all times?

Psych Lab Rat Caretaker buddies!

She’s “Rebel Wilson 24”

Goldfish and Plants are indeed a chore. Confirmed by The Young Ones: