Shiny Chrome Witnessedbot

It’s funny ‘cause it’s true. Which is also why it’s sad.

It’s actually a performance art piece. Kinja is using images as symbol for white male opinions.


Ah, Kinja. You never fail to disappoint.

I love that people think that copy editors still exist anywhere outside of major print publications.

Quarantine restrictions exist for a reason. It’s not the dogs themselves, it’s any flora or fauna that may be living on them. Introducing new and unknown elements into any ecosystem can be extremely dangerous to its balance. You never know what seemingly innocuous plant or beastie is going to suddenly find itself

Especially since the cloth isn’t even under that end.

Sure. But that’s not really what it says. Like I said, I’m pretty sure that’s what happened. But they didn’t say that. The quote makes it sound like there was literally ZERO adjustment made to the model and child beyond moving them a couple of feet, and that’s clearly not the case.

Wait, so..... if it wasn’t contrived, why is the baby naked? Because I never nursed my babies without putting diapers on them. That stuff tends to go right through them. Also, I tended to put clothes on them when we were out in public. Pretty sure Aussies put clothes on their babbies, too.

Yup. I’m quite annoyed at being forced to agree with her on something. Yanking her show was the right way to go, but the Duggars should be yanked as well. And is that Duck Dynasty show still on? Yank it too, while you’re at it. Yank ‘em all.

Call me when he does. I would like to be non-judgmental and safe with him as well.

It’s usually a good guess. Most things mean erection. But I don’t understand why Rubik’s cube would mean erection. Is the erection a puzzle I must solve? Wait... that sounds kind of awesome...

Can I get some with sequins? (Just to bring this thing full circle)

Aaaaaaand starwipe!

I saw Obama’s response before, but not the original question. The #askingforafriend is killing me. I kind of love these less formal interactions between politicians that are friendly and human (even nicely teasing each other a bit!) and show actual knowledge of current slang. More of this kind of thing, politicians.

Sensitive crybabies? Seriously? Do you have any concept of how many women have been raped, by people they knew, and then carried it silently while their rapists seem to float through life? How many women have tried to speak out about their rapes, only to be told that it was their own fault, or that there was nothing

OH! SNAP! You soooooooo told her!

Can we not? Commenting on her plastic surgery is still commenting on her looks, which is really not okay. It just contributes to women feeling constantly judged and evaluated for their bodies. Say that it’s sad that she felt the need to change herself for the public’s approval. Don’t add one more disapproving voice

Not okay.

And are you SURE that he’s not? He could be a Russian circus performer looking for a better life.