Well, i did include that tid-bit just for you. ;)
Well, i did include that tid-bit just for you. ;)
What really burned me up was when I worked in daycare and could hear the goings-on when other employees changed the kids' diapers. Most kids immediately reach a hand down to inspect all their bits and pieces as soon as the diaper is removed. My response was always, "Let me clean it first, please, there's poop/pee." …
Books were always my best friends. They are fast-becoming my kids' best friends, too. I'm really cool with that.
I have spawned two little bookworms. I am OK with this.
Pretty much. Granted, sometimes the answer is, "Well, let's finish what you have on your nightstand, first." (And then we hope that grandma comes to visit before they finish the current pile and SHE buys the next pile.)
I do try to set some limits on it. But they're definitely never without something to read, even if I have to download the next Boxcar Children book onto the Nook at midnight because he finished the last one before falling asleep and now he's had a nightmare and needs something to help him settle down again.
Yes, but I do have to set limits. I can't buy ALL THE BOOKS no matter how much I want to. When they each have a pile ten high of books in the queue to be read, it's time to say, "finish what you have, first." Besides, by the time they finish those, grandma will probably visit and she can buy them. #smartmommy
Well, obvs. Also, the stuff that we loved as children was AMAZING and our parents really and genuinely wanted to watch Care Bears with us because they were just as enthralled by the intelligent story telling as we were.
You thy to indoctrinate them early into the good stuff. My kids are the only ones at school who are into Doctor Who and Godzilla and Harry Potter and classical mythology and giant squid. But they're gonna like what they like, and lots of it will be awful. You just have to keep repeating to yourself, while suffering…
I use the "Do you have X dollars" line all the time. It works. But they know what they can wrangle out of me: I'm a total softie when it comes to books.
I'm sorry about that. I haven't read the comments, pretty much because I had a feeling they might be like that. Hopefully you can focus on the support and forget the ones who clearly don't understand.
I immediately thought of you when I read this article. I don't think it's a coincidence that it was published on the same day you posted what you did earlier on GT. I hope it's helpful for you to really see how not alone you are. *Big hugs*
They're ads.
If I say your name three times in front of the mirror do you clean my house?
Bad, but amazingly so. And really, nobody was noticing her acting in that particular scene.
There are plenty of YA horror novels we could pull from, but the lure of cashing in on a proven property with nostalgia value is pretty strong and as long as the tactic makes money it will continue. Maybe remaking this one will prompt producers to look at some of those other YA horror novels I read in my youth and…
Thank you for being the only one to bring up generics without being an ass about it. :)
Yes, they don't work as well, and that's really not the point of the comment.
*purloins most excellent gif*