I was coming here to say just this.
Actually, those were attempts to return to her roots. It is a little known fact that Minnie Pearl is the only actress ever to successfully leverage her porn stardom into television stardom.
We love you, Bobby. You are a beautiful lady. You are magnificent. Your mustache is fierce. PLEASE STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE YOU'RE GOING TO EAT MY FACE!!!!
Kanye and Kim Kardashian rode a plane.
Yup, that hedgehog has mad skillz. Miley can't compete.
See, Miley, THAT'S how you constantly stick your tongue out and be cute about it.
Such a great song. As someone who doesn't really fit in anywhere, I've always had a soft spot for the Great Gonzo. Weirdos Unite!
The Nanobots' school supply lists take all the joy out of back-to-school shopping. They are only allowed very specific items. No mechanical pencils until fourth grade. No pens of any kind, so none of the awesome sparkly ones or the ones with lots of colors in one pen. No funky-shaped erasers. NO TRAPPER KEEPERS! …
The pen? Or Alicia Silverstone?
It's hip to be square.
My guess is that no one fails the quiz. Although I desperately wish to take it now.
Depends on the apple. I like to use something pretty crisp and tart, but that's me.
Know what's good? Peanut butter and APPLE sandwich. You slice the apple nice and thinly, and you really only need at most 1/4 apple per sandwich. AWESOME.
I have light brown hair, my kids' dad has dark brown. I have one kid with black hair, one with red. I am CONSTANTLY getting asked where the red hair came from. I wouldn't mind so much if the question was phrased more like, "Which side of the family has the other redheads?" but it's the implication that the Nanobot…
Why is it even their business? I didn't ask that question when I worked in daycare and kept the kids in question for 10+ hours each day. I called the male person in the child's life the same thing the kid called him (ie, daddy, pop, papa, uncle joe, whatever), or BY HIS NAME (there's a strange idea) and didn't ask…
I'm sure she'll mature up in a few years if we can all just calm the fuck down and let her do it.