
Gotta love Mazda for jus throwing this out there to hush folks about having a EV. They had no real interest. Considering the PHEV CX-90 has a EV range of about 25-30 miles this was just a pure experiment. Now reimagine this setup combined in some other configuration with the new inline 6 and then 100 miles EV would be

You did your best

*You did your best*

Mazda is good at certain things. But when they decide to suck, they really, really suck. Like the diesel CX-5 which got lousy gas mileage, and now this joke of an EV.

Having owned a nice PHEV on par with the CX-90 and a Range Extender EV, I’m ready to go full EV from now on.

Saying the MX-30 was destined to fail is like if Fiskars introduced a one sided scissor, and it ended up not selling. The engine bay has a huge cavern for the ICE engine.

A small, affordable EV with 250+ mi range and buttons on its dashboard is my current dream car.

“Winning with simplicity” is the best car manufacturer tagline since “Add Lightness”. Let’s hope it means something, too.

What I want to see is:

Price...  If GM can sell a small, affordable EV and make money at it...

“I’m worried about the kids going to the bus stop. They’re gonna be walking down this road with these big trucks you saw going by, and people flying in and out to go to the car wash,” Barb Vickers, a resident in the Jonathan’s Bay gated community, told WINK News.

God yes, please do it. 

I don’t think this is a gen Z thing as much as a Millenial/Gen X/Boomer thing. Gen Z probably can’t afford a fun vehicle right now, and they don’t have an attachment to gear shifting. This is purely for 35+. Alternatively, this might be what some execs (probably 45+) think that Gen Z might like.

This is dumb. One of favorite things on my MY is hitting the accelerator and getting that instant torque and smooth acceleration with no gear changes. Adding a “pretend” shifting experience is pretty lame and I don’t know who it’s supposed to appeal to. I’m actually curious if adding “gear changes” where the motor

Electric motors will last forever. Batteries will last 10-15 years avg, about the same as an ice motor but without needing maintenance that whole time. Battery pack replacement is not that expensive for most vehicles, unless you go to the dealership to have it done. Over 15 years the cost of just maintaining that ice


Just another clickbait article against EVs. This site used to be so much better. 

You don’t listen to music?  Use music or podcast apps, or audio books? 

Let’s be real here the bar to surpass iDrive is so low it’s practically underground.

They want the data and the ability to charge for features / subcriptions.