Why would a car blog know what a vehicle is by looking at it???
Why would a car blog know what a vehicle is by looking at it???
That isn’t a Pathfinder; that’s an Armada.
Hate to be that guy, but it’s an Armada
Google “How does Google work?”
“Violence has devastating consequences, and we have zero tolerance for content that promotes or incites hatred or violent behavior”
Yeah, it couldn’t possibly be because a cop murdered a 17-year-old kid.
Turns out the cost to host a scalable website go way, *way* down when your website effectively shuts down. Who knew?!
You are Free to say whatever you want.
“The gay community are pedophiles” is a shit opinion. You can share it, and we can rightly call you a shit person for it.
Is he under arrest? Is he being kicked out of the country? No? Then I don’t see how his 1A rights are being infringed. He can say whatever he wants. He’s not free of the PUBLIC, (not governmental; that’s key here), response to that opinion.
Weird, I just had my second kid and I didn’t turn into a bigot.
Of course he is. And we are free to call his opinion shit and to call your breathless defense of someone who wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire a sad display by a pathetic simp.
BREAKING NEWS: Another member of Faze clan is an ignorant douchebag.
“Update, June 8, 1:30pm ET: Nick has since responded to the backlash, clarifying that he did not intend to upset anyone, and that he is particularly sensitive of the issues due to the recent birth of his child. He added that he stands by his tweet.”
LOL yeah OK big fella ;o, but it’s good to know that you stand by…
Seems like that’s their plan!
Where are you seeing a 51KWh pack option? Volvo’s site shows the 1 pack size and 2 motor options; with the base single motor offering the highest range. Unless the US is only getting the larger pack
*gobble gobble gobble*
Love your work, now get out.
They approved it and arguably even benefitted from the cheeky lines via promoting the very same lines.
The boot is so far down your throat you can toss their salad.
Looks like loot goblins aren’t just in the game.