
I have a boomer neighbor who always fumes about this sort of stuff. He hates it when I point out that he will probably be dead by then.

Seven other states are have copy cat bills in various stages of possibly becoming laws.” And for some reason, you can’t list those seven states?

meaning you can effectively get one of the most anticipated games of 2023 for just $40 if you’re willing to effectively buy another game at full price.

they should be getting better at flagging chargers that doesn’t work first

But it’s just a tax refund, right? It could be different for everyone. I don’t believe it’s just as easy as subtracting the rebate from the MSRP.

I got a used 2017 bolt a year ago and I’ve been having a blast as well. I live in a fairly conservative area and nothing is more satisfying than having some “global warming is a myth” bumper sticker yokels rev their Hummer/pimped out raised truck next to me at a light only to overtake them instantly once it goes

I bet underneath it’s still just a 350z. 

8mm (63/200 inches) long and 6mm (59/250 inches) wide”

Sit the fuck down.

Sit the fuck down.

I gotta admit, Kotaku refusing to report on this game at all due to moral posturing that immediately collapsed the second they got paid for it is incredibly on brand.

I gotta admit, Kotaku refusing to report on this game at all due to moral posturing that immediately collapsed the

Please do not buy this, or play it... none the less preorder some ridiculous collectors editions. Trans solidarity is important.

Please do not buy this, or play it... none the less preorder some ridiculous collectors editions. Trans solidarity

Haha no

Haha no

You too can contribute to the most famous TERF so she can keep making hateful and out of touch statements.

You too can contribute to the most famous TERF so she can keep making hateful and out of touch statements.

I am moderately confused by the conflicting posts on Kinja regarding this. I feel like very post leading up to a few days ago was “avoid the game because JK Rowling is awful” and suddenly I’m seeing post after post of “get hyped for the game, here’s links to buy it where we may get a commission.”

I know different

I am moderately confused by the conflicting posts on Kinja regarding this. I feel like very post leading up to a few

Actually, no, I will not be playing that game, and I don’t appreciate this piece acting like, of all games, this one was the inevitability. Surely you know that Rowling’s overt transphobia is hanging over all of this, and she doesn’t just consider all those purchases to be a validation of her views, but is getting a

Actually, no, I will not be playing that game, and I don’t appreciate this piece acting like, of all games, this one

Weird, I thought we were supposed to be avoiding this game because of JK Rowling’s unashamed bigotry, yet here y’all are shilling the game...

Weird, I thought we were supposed to be avoiding this game because of JK Rowling’s unashamed bigotry, yet here y’all

Fuck you I’m not playing this dreck benefitting one of the biggest terfs on the planet.

Fuck you I’m not playing this dreck benefitting one of the biggest terfs on the planet.

Nope. Def not gonna play it. Def not gonna pay for it.

Nope. Def not gonna play it. Def not gonna pay for it.

Fuzzy math. 

For those of you fortunate enough not to know who Michael Shellenberger is, he’s a corporate shill with a background in public relations. He has zero training in any science or environmental subjects, but he is handsomely paid by the nuclear power industry and various conservative think tanks for his “contrarian”