
I'm not sure that the US audience wanted to see Rossi at the very back of the grid anyway, where he likely would've stayed considering Marussia's finances and engineering. Hopefully he can find a real ride in 2015-16!

I'd SO buy that used for $30k. Wait! No. I'd buy the manual, probably.

Yeah, they were definitely taking it very easy. It reminded me of stories about F-22 demos in the early days (Tyler referenced it from Bye Bye Baby about midway down here:…). They were verrrrry careful not to break the glass jet, and did the same here. I hope that in

Got it, that makes sense. Thanks!

Excellent. It's good to hear that they're sticking to the same strategy that got them to this point in the first place. More and more and MORE Elise variants worked so well, that logic will totally fly with the Evora, too!

Why doesn't the F-35A include the C's larger wings and associated range and wing-loading characteristics, anyway? Was it purely cost, or is the difference in rolling moment and drag a substantial factor? Surely the Air Force wasn't content to let the Navy get away with a better strike fighter?

The hypothetical situation where the raptor force was brought into Libya or earlier in Syria's campaigns really should also consider the very real possibility of what would have happened had one of these precious warplanes been lost (due to failure, combat or any number of other reasons). The political and

Derp! I mean MP4-12C, not MC-12. Duh. Anyway, here's the R&T article. Of course, the online version is missing the sidebar that specifically addressed manufacturer meddling in comparison tests, but the intro does allude to how ... committed both Ferrari and McLaren were to the results.

Have they worked the latency issues out of DAS to the point that's not causing vertigo? How do they account for multiple perspectives (each camera being several feet or more from the operator's eye-view) and stitch them all together into a meaningful panorama?

MSFT is going to do what they've always done on the PC: Make some promising noises and exactly nothing else. They've twice realized that they can't manage a PC ecosystem (GFWL & Win8 store), and if they can't own it, they don't want it.

Then again, one offence doesn't really justify another. I guess that's what we get when the "if you're not cheating, you're not racing" mentality finds its way into sales!

R&T published a 458 vs. MC-12 comparo a year or two back and more or less outed McLaren for identical track-test shenanigans. If anybody knows review-fixing, it's those guys (ala GTO vs. GTO)! Interesting that British journos are so quick to call out Ferrari, and then stay mum when it comes to brands closer to home.

The triumphant return of Ross would be magnificent. He demonstrated at Honda that he didn't need Todt, Stepney and Michael to be successful, so maaaaaaaaybe he could end the drought at the Scuderia again? Seems too good to be true, though. He already helped bail them out of their last quagmire, so it's not really

Neutral: Do You Think Ferrari Has The Right Vision? Am I just biased, as an American, against the Ferrari ideals. Or does Ferrari have the wrong ideals?

This is why I still refuse to identify as a 'gamer'. I may budget a tremendous amount of my time and finances on playing games, but the prevalence of violent sexism and misogyny in the gamer community is still shocking. I'm happy to admit that I play games and enjoy discussing games with people, but identifying as a

I guess it's not so surprising that it doesn't have much in terms of requirements, considering that it won't actually WORK at launch anyway. This is EA, after all. ;)

Forza can make up their own meaningless certification, or give money to some other automotive sanctioning body or club that likes free money, like IMSA, ACO or SCCA.

So does that mean it'll be early 2016 when DICE has worked out most of the gamebreaking bugs? Nice!

I hope that I'm interpreting the article correctly, but if so then I'm really glad to hear that the lounge was generally successful and attendees and visitors enjoyed it. Although the article title and tone suggests that it was lacking, quoted interviewees seemed generally positive, which was great to read. I hope

Pretty sure it's just you, yeah.