
Poor Ferrari. They were a sad, but very appropriate choice in the video as an example of how not to build a competitive or innovative F1 car. 2007 was so very long ago!

Here's where the OR founders & hype-artists (including Carmack) quietly bow out with a huge payday.

OR is/was releasing another dev kit in 2014. That's a far cry from a consumer release date (ie when you can play real games on it). The only reason that they appear so much further ahead of everyone else is because it was announced very, very early in development. Morpheous & MSVR could have started at roughly the

Has OR been anything but a marketing gimmick? Prices have already increased to $350 due to scope creep, and there's still no consumer release date anywhere on the horizon.

You could easily make the same argument for Comcast or TWC though, since they're essentially offering luxury services like TV or broadband Internet. The fact that they so aggressively suck at both of those services is what makes them on the charts. The same goes for EA. None of them *really* matter when compared to


Mayhem? Really? Have you been missing the sarcasm in the whole #HowSeattleRiots thing or something? ;)

Agreed, Seattle's eating this up. After the constant, unending tirade of scorn that the Hawks have been enduring from the media this season, watching them pound the 'greatest offense in the NFL' into a greasy smear has been massively vindicating.


If you're a smartphone user and you're not powering it completely off, then it's frequently sending and receiving data, whether it's in your hand or in your pants. And it's also a bit early to be assessing the long-term health risks of cellphones as well. The jury's still out on that one, and will be for years.

Especially when they did it so *brilliantly* back in the '90s. The X-Wing & TIE Fighter games are among the very best Star-Wars games to ever be released. It was a sign of how dysfunctional LucasArts was that they left the franchise rotting on the vine for so long (as with KOTOR, Battlefront, etc.).

Looming arrival of the F-35. BWAHAahahahahahahaha... hahaha.. *wipes a tear*

Hey cool, actual Broshep made an appearance!

Can't stop the signal!

Sounds like you guys are busy getting Molyneuxed.

Didn't Ballmer fire him once already?

Yyyyyyyep. Warfighter was consistently.. something, alright.