Could be! EA's first acquire-then-destroy!! move that I can remember was on Origin Systems back in '92, and Madden was a few years before that.
Could be! EA's first acquire-then-destroy!! move that I can remember was on Origin Systems back in '92, and Madden was a few years before that.
As loathe as I am to side with EA on anything, this seems pretty fair, given that the NRA and the gun industry are trying their damnedest to put EA out of business (ala violent videogame hysteria).
Like a LOT of stupid contemporary car-gags, this one has some heritage from the '50s and '60s. Petrolheads who wanted to terrify their dates would sometimes leave the steering wheel unbolted when setting off. On a straight-ish road, they could pop it loose and hand it to a girl in the passenger seat with a casual:…
We people who quit SWTOR didn't rush through the content. Many of us *dragged* through the content because 78% of it was barely tolerable. "Go to this world, and kill 15 Small Rats. Now take a letter to that guy. No wait, that guy is on the other side of 10 more Medium-Sized Rats that you need to kill." Rinse and…
Let's see what the doctor has to say after his NDA & non-competes expire. Until that happens, under the terms of his golden parachute he's legally obligated to the tow the corporate line and stay out of the gaming industry.
The original Mass Effect was completed before the EA buyout. If they'd kept their independence (or ties to Microsoft), it's reasonable that they would have completed the series with some other publisher.
In a fit of nostalgia, I'm going back over the really classic SW titles from LucasArts that I loved growing up.. KOTOR, the X-Wing series, Battlefront...
So if this were a creative reboot, then surely they're replacing the Japanese actor as well th.... oh wait, Akio Ōtsuka is still listed on IMDB as Big-Boss in MGS: Ground Zeroes. So apparently the "reboot" is really only for Western consumption?
3rd Gear: Solution for Mitsu
Didn't Star-Wars die off as a storied game franchise years ago? Have they done anything particularly good since 2005? Their '90s heyday is long, long gone folks. Let's not get too caught up in nostalgia that we forget why Disney's considering killing them off in the first place.
Are you forced into the multiplayer aspect? Do random strangers get assigned to be your regional partners, if you don't collaborate with friends? If so, SimTroll sounds like a better title for this.
Same reason that anybody would want more than 1 game installed at any one time, even if you can only PLAY one at once.
Best Babelfish-derived title ever: "Bravely Default: Flying Fairy"
It's headed to the backburner in lieu of the movie tie-ins, folks. Disney & LucasArts can crank out 3 of those for each independent property, and they'll each make twice as much money from confused grandparents.
Wasn't Frostbite 2 responsible for the Brownest Game of All Time?
The more that they hype Frostbite 2 for DA3, the less it looks like Bioware truly understands what was wrong with DA2.
Yes. A movie quote reminds us of one of Batman's core principles. That he says outright in the actual trailer.
Did you actually read the no-supplication-to-women bit, when you talked about equality? Try it again, and then think about who you're defending.
Top fave: Jennifer Hale (Shepard, Samus, Jennifer Mui, go on for miles)