There’s way too many disadvantages to this than there are advantages (which are what? just slightly better sounding audio?)
There’s way too many disadvantages to this than there are advantages (which are what? just slightly better sounding audio?)
*Doesn’t apply to team Instinct
So you’re not listing anything here, just pointing us to another link?
It would be really disappointing if they do. I understand shutting down Poke Vision since it’s using their API illegally, but Poke Radar doesn’t seem to be breaking any rules. Hopefully it won’t come to that.
Can they shut down Poke Radar as well or is it safe since its crowd-sourced?
That kind of makes sense. They might disturb worshippers or damage property while playing the game.
I think the servers are consistently bad because a lot of people in unsupported regions are side-loading it and playing it.
Those aren’t real mons, right? They look really awesome tho. Better than what we’ve been seeing recently in my opinion.
I’ll check it out. Thanks!
Haha I wish I was that clever. Someone posted a solution and it seems to have worked so you can have my star as well now :)
I disabled adblock and it seems to be working now.
Oh it worked! Thanks a ton! Have my newly restored stars :)
Using Firefox on Win8. It seems to work with my older Win7 machine. How odd.
Off-topic but I can’t seem to star any comments here. It just yanks the page back to the top.
You should have put the entire exchange between Nintendo and Sega here!
That Game Company?
Looks like an underwater version of journey
I was really worried I wouldn’t like JoJo part 4's big shift in style and plot pacing from part 3, but I’m loving every part of it (except koichi)
One day in the not distant future, after a lot of athletes and tourists get sick, injured or killed at the Rio Olympics, the global community will look back and wonder how the heck they still went on with the event despite all the glaring warning signs.