I don’t know about Street Fighter, but I’m talking about their other games like Resident Evil, Megaman, Dead Rising and others.
I don’t know about Street Fighter, but I’m talking about their other games like Resident Evil, Megaman, Dead Rising and others.
I’m really sorry this happened to you and I hope it doesn’t discourage you from making more games in the future. I hope you’ll be able to release it someday for iOS somehow, it seems your game is popular on Android and its a shame you’re missing out on another big market.
What a load of bs! if there currently is apps live that are in violation of their ToS then they should be removed otherwise they should publish your game. They can’t have double standards.
Street Figher is doing well but not without its share of problems (DLC, Technical issues. etc)
Yeah but balance is important here. Going against the fanbase didn’t work out so well for Capcom and Konami, they ended up being outright hostile to their fanbase and their best IPs are pretty much dead.
My main issue with it is its so SLOW paced. I know the show is right behind the manga (idk if the manga is also going this slowly) At this point I’d rather they take a break and then continue the anime after the manga has made some progress.
That’s really interesting insight.
I know digimon always had different colors, but apart from a few popular ones the games don’t usually include this many variants while skipping other basic digimon (3 variations for ToyAgumon?? Why?)
What are you talking about? If current tech is moving towards the always-on attitude you really think someone who would design a future Navi won’t make it “always-on”?
I know they’re reusing a lot of models from Cyber Sleuth, but somehow the rendering seems worse this time.
Definitely had the scones convo before haha
I really really hope they (or someone else) makes an Operation Genesis style game for VR. THAT would be awesome!
Stuff like that makes me want to learn Japanese. This game might be finally making its way to the US but plenty others never do.
“8-bit” refers to Mario not the tattoo.
But did he go to Alaska barefoot?
I love Divine Gate’s opening and art style, even though I have no clue what’s going on in the story.