
Autographed by that guy who’s building a MGS pachinko machine as we speak.

spoilers :P

Looks really interesting! Would love to explore a historical setting like that without the usual zombies and monsters jumping out at me.

The big reason why episode five’s animation was criticized so much online in Japan was because it failed to do basic things correctly. You know, draw characters that looked like the actual characters.

Is that a mini-Godzilla? I want a pet mini-Godzilla!

“You though I was a traitor but it was I, DIO!”

Those 2 characters sorta look like Chie and Yukiko from Persona 4

His tail is attached to his right leg...

I like how the paramedic got out of the car took a good look at the area and was like “Fuck this shit I’m leaving”

Thank you for posting this Jason. I got so much crap about this in the last article. It’s not about the delay dammit!

I did, go back and read my comment. Yes, I agree with you, I just hope you realize that goes both ways

You come and ask me “We’re you looking for an excuse to post that”, exactly what were you expecting me to say in reply? Yet I said “No”. That wasn’t good enough for you though.

I’m not :]

If more time is what this game needs to become perfect then I’m all for it. It’s not the game’s release date I’m worried about.

Sorry bud. If you want to have a proper civil conversation I’d be more than happy to oblige.

Ask a better question then maybe I will.

Aww well then have anass day sir/madam!

You know what context I wrote my comment on, my intention, what I meant, what I invited and what I deserve. Impressive! Do please tell me more...

My comment was in context of all the recent news about Comcept not just this article. Some people immediately got what I meant and some like you didn’t, I don’t see how or why that would justify snarky comments against me. It was not my intention to sound like an ass, but a lot of comments like yours definitely did.

‘tis sad but true