
Please forgive me :)

I never said anything about it’s release date. Keep your creative assumptions to yourself.

Neither am I. Thanks, but I think I’ve wasted enough time on this useless argument.

Nope, but I’m wondering the same about you?

I never said anything about it’s release date. Thanks for assuming though.

So if you already know Comcept has IP rights why the hell are you harrasing me about them here?!

I’m torn on this. I want to support Kojima’s work but I know all my money will be used to build more slot machines and F2P mobile games :[

So FUZE, which publishes games, fully funded a game but will allow other publishers to publish or distribute it instead? I’m not talking about IP rights, there’s no solid facts on those out so any talk about IP rights is just speculation.

Christmas rambling is good tho :D

FUZE is a publishing company. Are you saying a publishing company just decided to only just fund an entire project out of the kindness of their hearts?

Unless they decide to pull their old games we can still stop buying old titles from digital services like Steam, PSN, XBLive. Then there’s also MGSV which is yet to be released.

Can we just boycott everything Konami already? They seem to be very happy boycotting their fans from their side.

Exactly what I was thinking! The timing is kinda suspicious and they weren’t honest with backers about Red Ash getting a publisher.

I never said I want it right now...

I’m more worried about Comcept putting out anything and being honest with fans than this particular game’s release date. If the delay will indeed improve the game then I’m all for it.

I don’t mind delays, but between this and the Red Ash kickstarter mess, my confidence in Comcept is a little shaky at the moment.

I’m not sure what you’re trying to imply.

Now I’m kinda glad I didn’t back this project

This is messed up. Aren’t there any labour laws in Japan to protect employees from this kind of treatment? Spying on your own employees is just wrong.

She doesn’t need to lose, she just needs an opponent that can last in a match with her (preferably longer than 1 min)