
Just because something is profitable doesn’t mean they should screw their fanbase. I’m sure there are a lot of industries out there more profitable than video games, should all video game companies just suddenly switch their business and screw all their fans?

Kojima also appeared in Metal Gear Peace Walker as a recruitable member.

I was thinking of doing a fresh install of Win 7 and then upgrading that to Win 10. Would it be preferable to upgrade first to 10 and then do a fresh install?

They released it for the PS4 and now for the PC but not the Vita, the most logical device it should have been released for.

They don’t discount the prescription ones though :(

They don’t discount the prescription ones though :(

As someone who never played LoL or is familar with this character I have to say I think the old look is much better.

Animation and pacing are two different things, instead of filling those 10 mins with actual content they’re wasting them on recaps.

I know the anime is almost caught up with the manga but the slow pace is killing me. They waste near 10 mins at the beginning of each episode recapping the previous one that barely any progress is made with the story.

Why do they keep switching places mid-conversation?!

Do remember the name of that article?

Time to take a short vacation in Philippines

Depends if you’re willing to learn those other countries’ languages to play 1 game.

I lost interest at free-to-play too. Final Fantasy Record Keeper was horrid. this looks like its going down the same path.

I haven’t read an Archie comic in ages, but I’m really interested in the reboot I might pick it up. Hope it’s available digitally.

I’ve been waiting for this! :]

Oh I’m so glad they’re adding stuff that was supposed to be in the game at launch for free. Lucky us.

They’ve both stuck around equally actually so it’s a matter of preference. If you’re talking about popularity then yeah Pokemon is by far the more popular game for now, they need to innovate if they want to stay on top though and Nintendo knows this, especially with Yokai Watch’s new popularity in Japan.

I’m pre-ordering it on both platforms! I hope it does well enough for them to localize Re: Digitize as well!

The anime is pretty solid. I would recommend even for non-digimon fans.