
No worries! :)

Yeah I know. It was at first a normal anime and was supposed to air in Spring. They changed it to movies and now it will release in November.

I’m still waiting for Digimon Adventure Tri which got delayed like 2 seasons ;_;

I don’t get it

needs more ragdoll-cling-to-your-feet physics

So we’re totally fine with on-disc DLC now? Shell out money to unlock something you already have?

I’m more interested in seeing if Nintendo will charge for these characters. If they do, will anyone complain about this being on-disc DLC?

I’d be more excited about this if I didn’t know for certain that Activision will shoehorn in day 1 DLC.

Agree. It felt really slow paced, like they were dragging on until the dungeon raid event finished.

Now playing

ooh! She’s on the Michael Phelps diet. Still damn impressive that she’s not an Olympian.

I’m seriously doubting all these ‘accidental leaks’ are accidental. In any case, HYPE!

Had I known summoning Tigers was an option in marriage I would have gotten married ages ago!

You guys of all people need to stop encouraging the idea that games get downgraded because of consoles. It’s not true.

I wouldn’t trust anything the creator of Evangelion says.

One of the best movies I’ve ever watched.

It’s just a squirrel. Nuttin to see here folks.

With any luck, if they get a big enough user base, publishers will start putting their new games DRM-free on GoG if they see a lot of people buying their games there.

That point has already come for me since I’ve been waiting for a game of the year edition to release the moment this game got reviewed.

I loved the part when those squishy little people would run into the fight and you can actually send them flying with your attacks. Me and my brother used to wait for one of them to get in the fight and play dino tennis with them.

There’s already a Jurassic Park mobile game called Park Builder which takes a lot of it’s mechanics from JP: Park Builder on the GBA or DS (I forget which one)