I didn’t know about 9 and 10. That’s even worse!
I didn’t know about 9 and 10. That’s even worse!
That is also very very true and unfortunate. I was hoping people would wake up and appreciate what they’ve been having all these years for free. I do see a lot of people becoming aware about supporting modders one way or another so maybe there is hope.
1) They only profit 25%
2) Because of 1 mod prices will probably be very high to make any actual profit
3) If they come up with a good idea someone can steal it, republish it and benefit from it
4) For every 1 good mod you’ll find dozens of crappy horse armor mods just looking to make a quick buck.
5) Company with a giant…
I didn’t expect them to budge on this. Good on them for doing the right thing.
At this point I just wish Konami would come clean and tell their fans what’s really happening. They turned Kojima into a one-eyed cyborg didn’t they?
This was my first time trying this. Thank you Fahey it was really fun =]
There was a “Kill Lord Gaben” mod featured on the front page that gives you a Lord Gaben NPC that you can have fun with in retaliation to the release of paid mods. The mod was removed unfortunately. I didn’t think of taking a screenshot.
Had they put a “donate” button instead of “buy” this whole thing would have embraced and applauded by the gaming community. The way this works now is modders can screw players and publishers can (and are) screw modders. The result is a lose-lose situation for PC gamers.
Thanks. Missed that part for some reason.
How far does the story go? Looks like its all pre-time skip.
I wonder if this is related to the Twitch hack that happened recently?
So they go disrupt panels and promote GG and when they’re asked to leave they’re like “We were banned! They are against anti-censorship!”
Do you guys still do game benchmarks? Will we see one for GTA 5?
That’s a real shame :(
Is this DLC for the game or a free update? Will it be available on PS3 version of the game?
Question (and a very serious one): Do sites like Kotaku, IGN, Gamespot...etc share profit for reviewing games? I mean it feels like the same thing essentially except in text form. These sites do essentially profit from the traffic they get from playing and reviewing games, just like youtubers. Heck sometimes there’s…
That’s exciting! But before you get depressed and start worrying if it’s going to stink or not, here’s some good news. The creator of Neon Genesis Evangelion is going to helm and write the picture. Ho ho ho ho!
I realized this after a few attempts and it's bugging the heck out of me. It's like they're innovating on ways to annoy people.