
Absolutely loved HxH both in manga and anime format :D

The manga is extremely humorous for sure. I've tried reading some chapters and I was still in tears laughing, but what I'm saying is some of this translates better in animated form rather than printed form where it could be missed or misunderstood (especially by myself). Re-reading pages or panels over and over to

Whenever given a choice between Manga or Anime I'd usually choose the anime. Mostly because I do enjoy the opening/ending and OST in general and also because some actions can easily be misinterpreted on print. Can't count how many times I had to re-read panels to "get" what happened, sometimes I never do and just move

This amusing thing seems to happen every once in a while where two games release really close to each other that have similar titles.

I'll let you know how I feel about that in the unlikely event that my house burns down or someone decides to steal my game discs

I was referring to digital copies in general but if you really want you can back up your apps to a physical medium

That's why physical copies will always trump digital ones.

Their reason for the ban could be applied to pretty much any other game and some on even greater levels than Minecraft (eg: GTA, online shooters, Mobas, ...etc)

Absolutely agree. One of my favorite examples of this is Shovel Knight.

And, yeah, don't worry: this isn't a game of button-mashing. Kingdom Hearts this ain't. You can defend (by holding L1 in the demo) and parry/counter-attack enemy moves, though I'm not sure how viable that is as a strategy when you're trying to slash through fifteen goblins at once. As I played through the demo—which

What's with the slippers?

I'm gonna guess it's either BatDog or Superman.

I guess I was the only one who was actually happy that Ash got petrified.

Even small children! And worse, people who still buy CDs! This is cruel, cruel stuff.

The rules are simple—demonstrate how big a fan of anime my country's leader is by combining visual images. Do try to keep it clean and in good fun, as the Secret Service is poised to tackle any one of us at a moment's notice. And do try to get your entries in by Saturday. The President is a busy man.

Yeah it could have been worse I guess. It's still a really kick in the kidneys to be let go suddenly and with almost no compensation. Note that both law here and the contract I signed state there has to be appropriate notice by both parties before resignation, so there was a violation there.

It's really painful to see this kind of this still happening. I'm a software engineer and I was recently laid off in what also seems a very bizarre way. I'm not in the games industry, but our industries seem to share a lot of similar aspects.

In this, our fifth (and likely final) volume of layoff stories, we've got anecdotes from people across the world who have lost their jobs at video game companies. There are stories about forced relocations, about unexpected studio closures, about pizza parties that go horribly wrong. The last story, which is very

I always admired the Monster Hunter series from afar. I tried playing one of the titles on the Wii (not the WiiU) but it felt a bit difficult to get into. The game is really deep and felt like it needed to be played with a guide (or at least involved lots of note taking).

Also she did a mean Naruto cosplay at the event itself :]