
That’s only your distinction though. Many feel Twitter is a platform for creativity as much as it is for communication. There are Parody accounts, character accounts, comedy accounts and story telling accounts.

Mortal, no offense, but I’m confused. You were a big supporter of Brexit. Wasn’t that an agenda from essentially the UK’s version of Donald Trump between Boris and Nigel and UK conservatives? Or am I missing something? Has your opinion on Brexit changed or remained the same since you voted for it? I’m asking sincerely

This is very 2 dimensional reasoning and lacking in Emotional Intelligence and has an insouciance of being politically motivated.

What principle are you trying to stand on with such inane semantics?

We do exist though. Gun loving liberals. Look into the Liberal Gun club. It's like the NRA for non crazy, non bigoted, target shooting enthusiasts. 😉

He has done and spent a fuckton since those tweets on rescuing abandoned animals and protecting endangered ones.

Dude, are you really continuing to ignore the the difference between an offensive tweet in the present is an actionable demonstration of current character and beliefs vs. Statements made almost a decade ago, apologised for and actionable demonstrations of improved character since have been demonstrated??

As long as there's still video games I'm down

Seriously, this is Disney just begging for GoG 3 to get Solo’d. They should rehire him asap

You can’t call Disney just a kids company anymore now that they’re buying Fox and all the adult IP’s that go with it. Disney needs to evolve. 

Going by past history here the timeline is indefinite and the scarlett letter is permanent. And it is such a progressive self sabotage makes that its understandable why those they should be trying to reach do not have open minds.

How can you consider yourself progressive if you can’t forgive someone when their *actions* over a several year period has clearly demonstrated change?

Once again as a progressive I’m disappointed with Jez/Bobby’s response to this debacle.

Really? Know of any specific clubs? I’ve got some musician buddies who can play Blues that are looking for places to perform. We’re mid-40’s if that’s old enough?

Pay to play is the standard at every club in Los Angeles for every genre of music.

I've gotten into MHA so hard. Such a good anime/manga

Yep. I can't believe no ome else is getting this.

Um, a good stripper can make more $$ without being dirty in one night than an average performer gets a scene ($800). So of course there’s escorting going on the side. Porn is essentially just advertising for escorts now since its so free like everyone is saying.

Is that the same Tommy Tollarico who did the Canadian TV show about gaming with Jade Raymond?

Dude, no matter how many times you reply with your shrill, emotionally unhinged and over angered response to my comment, I’m gonna dismiss it. And I'm gonna dismiss any reply here too. 😘