Funny how you’ve been amply refuted but can’t concede it. Not very Jedi of you.
Funny how you’ve been amply refuted but can’t concede it. Not very Jedi of you.
Watching the way the Gizmodo network has Disney’s dick in their mouths and the propagandastic fawning they slavish on these flawed works and they way it engenders all these rabid defenders here you don’t see in other places reminds me so much of Trump and his base.
What are you talking about? Luke was on Dagobah for at least a month doing intensive physical and mental Jedi training. That shit has been established for like, decades.
This is some good, needed Kinja. Those of us in that first group are a little sensitive because we have been unfairly lumped with the second, so its good to make the distinction.
Ah, I didn’t know that. I went from a 6sPlus to a Galaxy S8. Then I liked both ecosystems so much I became that asshole who now has a IPhone X and a Note 8 (which I unsuitably justify as having because I fancy myself a closet sketcher who never sketches) I’m like the mobile version of a BMW driver. 😜
God, so much this.
I’m with you on the lack of handholding. I beat the first divine boss Ruta (or however its spelled) and for the life of me can’t figure out where to go next. I’m overwhelmed by choice.
This isn’t the right hack. The right hack is this:
Where are you from boss that that cogent analysis went so high over your head? Sincerely asking.
Jezebel is that way —->
You should have, because he’s owning you.
Got a strong feeling she’s BPD too.
Two BPD’s falling for each other. It’s going to be a fascinating watch.
I don’t disagree with your sentiment, but your tone of address and it’s punative/perjorative insouciance is equally as problematic to today’s current socio-political climate as much as ignorance of history
I think this is my favorite Jez article ever. 😂
I’d argue anime fans are worse, but I still take your point.
I LMAO at how well you kept up the rhyme of Star Wars and Filthywhore
This expansion is also going to have a major major story twist. One meant to pull back in long fans of the game. Going by what I know that it is, I think it’s a good move and will work.
Thankfully my parents are cool enough to understand this rule