
Agreed that’s why I specified the “meth” part. Amphetemine treatment for ADD is legit. But as far as I know, there is no medicinal effect to amphetemines made with methane

Who are the fucktards that are starring you?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Um, it’s legal in 13 states. I bet you think Marijuana is more dangerous than alcohol too. Your troll skills suck.

You sound like someone who is in desperate need of their Astrada injections.

I’ve read through this whole thread, and find it highly amusing to see you, whose clearly at the retarded level of Emotional intelligence, to be commenting so much on other people’s feelings.

I never said it wasn’t addictive, just that in my experience, mass consumption has not led to these symptoms which makes me think it’s something else.

Ha! Clearly it has affected my spelling skills.

You sound like a fake news believing Trump supporter. 🤣🤣🤣

Yeah, a decorated Isreali Heart surgeon and married father of two who owns 7 buildings in LA is in the pocket of “drug lords” for a substance that has been legalized. GTFO with that nonsense. 🤣

Funny, my landlord is an ER heart surgeon in LA. I just asked him if what you said is true.

I vape an 1/8th of Marijuana a day, for the last 14 yrs. Never a bout of naseau.

What’s it like to be completely devoid of any emotional intelligence whatsoever?


I love you Laserface1242 😘

Saweetie is coming up right behind her. The sisters are killing it in rap right now and that’s awesome

Idk, I bought it on a whim for more Dolby Vision content and I liked it a lot more than expected. I’d put it on par with the first Avengers.

You know, this is a good point. I was stoned when I wrote that comment and wasn’t thinking clearly. I recant what I said. Sure that self reporting does count as data. Plus, tbf, none of the girls I talked to regretted doing it. They just all confided to sexual abuse, which takes me back to the initial point. After

AR’s are not machine guns. Common misconception. What they really are is modular semi automatic rifles the same way a PC is modular. They are popular because it’s easy to switch out a barrel if you want to shoot a smaller caliber bullet or it’s easy to switch out optics or grip, etc. You can do a lot more damage with

That’s not data. That’s self reporting. Easy to lie on those results. Of the 40 dancers I know at the club my wife used to work at, the 30 or so that I know that do porn have all confessed to sexual abuse. This is the biggest club in LA which means a majority of these girls are some of the top performers in the

I once heard a woman say that every time you watch porn, you are contributing to the abuse that led the woman to do porn in the first place. Having a wife who was a stripper in LA and therefore knowing more than a few porn actresses, and ancedentolly knowing they have all been abused, I have not ever been able to be