
I would suggest a product replacement warranty from Best Buy and the like if you don’t want to deal with dead pixels past the exchange date, etc. Nintendo uses such cheap materials to generate profit on hardware that its almost mandatory.

I imagined this whole story at the Fry’s in Burbank. Dope story btw, I love how you owned your buddy on the money he owed you. Was he mad? Or did he resign to his fate and get you the other $150?

I’ll say it again: Team D’arcy all the way.

Team D’arcy

Look up TsunadeV on Twitch and ask her if she’s married to Shinobi Jedi and if she’s brought home girls. And don’t forget to follow her on Twitch!

No, you’re totally right. The real life bigots have it out for TLJ, really hurting the weight of the opinion of those of us who loved the female representation and diverse cast but had problems with the narrative or treatment of OT characters.

Listen little boy, I was a SW fan and saw the original 350x in the theater before you were even an egg in your mama’s belly. That love carried me all the way to USC film and a kick ass life in film and TV. So, sit down and drink a nice warm glass of shut the fuck up. The adults are talking..

I always found snorting coke the epitome visual of a druggie and just a turn off. But I’m a stoner so obvs I’m biased. Also saw a guy in the early 80's when I was 7 have no nose due to cocaine. Scared me straight.

Considering they were essentially made to finance the creation of digital cinema and took the ability to make a studio quality feature out of the hands of gatekeepers and put into the hands of everyone - you’re goddamn right that I do.

Listening to TLJ defenders is like listening to Fox News watchers. Completely brainwashed and willfully ignorant of the facts and signs.

You can make changes to the narrative without shitting on the original characters. See Naruto or DBZ.

Not a real SW fan then. 😘 The Disney films shit on the OT three like the white slavers Lucas claimed they are. Anyone that loves the Disney films needs to turn in their Jedi card.

Is it possible you both could be right?

At least you own it.

This Chibi lobby BS was so oft putting I shut the game down and went back to playing Xenoverse 2 on my Switch.

My Mom’s a psychologist and his damage goes way way beyond Narcisscism. God, if only he was just narcisscistic. He’s also sociopathic, borderline psychotic and beyond emotionally retarded.

That takes star fucker to a whole new low.

No one from Naruto??? WTF is wrong with you Japan?

That’s awesome! Buy me some weed?

Awesome, awesome comment. Because its so true on so many levels.