Shinigami Apple Merchant

Gotta love how Batgirl was canned to “protect the DC brand” when Ezra Miller has done more damage, especially to the Flash, than the Batgirl movie would ever do.

Zaslav played a big role in turning the Discovery Channel and TLC from educational channels into trashy networks that air mostly cheap exploitative shows, pseudoscience BS, and nutjobs peddling conspiracies about aliens and doomsday prophecies. So I would question his definition of “quality.”

I swear, if they kill off Doom Patrol after killing Legends Of Tomorrow...

Hi, yeah, that’s not how a good director should be working with any actor, let alone children. This myth of directors and acting teachers needing to manipulate and abuse actors (to program actors to seek their approval and feed their own ego) needs to fucking die. It’s a bullshit, toxic environment that is utterly

Having worked with SE in the past (I was part of a smaller company they owned), I can say it is the most soulless, rapacious, clueless bunch of morons I have ever worked with in an industry that has no shortage of those.

The tracking number of the “sprayer” crate is 1968-AE35, which is a fun “2001" in-jokey reference.

I was waiting for Gene to go into the security office the day of the crime, only to find out the security guy had a heart attack from all the sugar

It is definitely weekly. Jerry and Gene are always talking about Nebraska football and college football is played once a week on Saturdays. Plus Gene is shown training Jeff to quickly navigate to twenty different sections of a store - that is something that isn’t going to happen in the course of a week either.

I was sucking air through my teeth the whole time he was doing the Dirty Dozen rhyming plan.  The fact they set up the slip with the manager telling someone to clean a spot is just fantastic. 

My heart was racing just as much if not more for this than any of the thrilling heights of Breaking Bad. BCS somehow keeps finding ways to prove to everyone that its fucking phenomenal.

David Warner was Alan Rickman when Alan Rickman was in drama school.

Mark Gatiss: “Do you have any idea what happened to your severed head?”

Now playing

How could you forget his role as The Lobe?

One of the greats

This makes me very sad. Warner was incredible, loved him in everything. Nobody had his presence.

This. He was so warm yet believable in that role that it’s hard to imagine he spent most of career playing villains and weirdos.

Gul Madred was an extremely hard role to cast, as the episode is basically a two man play where Madred’s actor has to constantly dominate the instantly commanding Patrick Stewart. Warner was cast at almost literally the last minute and only had time for a quick skim of the script, so he’s reading off cue cards for the

One of the hosts of the We Hate Movies podcast has the nickname “Now We’re Talkin’” for David Warner because of how he elevates everything he’s in.

RIP David Warner. One of my favorite all-time actors whose presence just seemed to elevate any film or show he was in.

Oh no! Warner was always one of my favorites!