Shinigami Apple Merchant

Not to mention that “choice” means just that. You can’t want choice for women then be upset when they make a selection you disagree with. Plenty of women choose to give birth and allow a family who can’t conceive to adopt their children.

I think the movie does a good job showing how vulnerable you are being young and pregnant. Juno is taken advantage of and influenced by a lot of other peoples expectations on her body. I didn’t find it anti-choice, instead I think it did a good job of showing what a traumatic experience it is having so many others

I’m really enjoying how Better Call Saul makes you hate Walter White, despite his absence from the story, because it drives home just how much labor and suffering and planning Walter destroyed with his petty ego trip. You kind of always got that Gus had spent an enormous amount of time and money building the

God when I was in food service I’d have killed to have a guy like Lyle on staff. What an absolute team player. Probably speaks to how well Gus treats the Pollos staff as well, they’ve consistently been shown to be chipper and responsible.

Y’all are trying to tell me that Gus went to the trouble of all that planning just to stash a gun holding five bullets? (I should assume it was 6 bullets, but I only heard five shots, but obviously I could have missed one.) He couldn’t think to stash one with a higher capacity magazine? Yes clearly he did hit his

She’s gonna take over the cartel

Wow! This was a brilliant episode. They left us with a cliffhanger a month and a half ago and had us all guessing. The only thing that worked out like I thought it would was Lalo meeting his end with Gus’ Chekhov’s Gun. Clever Chicken Man indeed.

Its almost a shame to lose Dalton, he was a series MVP from the moment he was introduced.  But like Nachos, it felt right and now makes the last five episodes completely unpredictable.  There aren't any massive spinning plates left to guess an overall direction and I love that.

I’m a bit disappointed. In a good way, a frustrated way. Gus got shot and lost at least one man, the rest injured. Mike, still cold and all business, tells Kim and Jimmy to just go about their day as usual. I was afraid Gus’ people were going to light her up. And while they get their eventual comeuppance, I needed

Too much Waititi being Waititi can be a bad thing (and you saw glimpses of it in Ragnarok, but it was far outstripped by how solid the entire film was).

I mostly knew him as Naofumi and as Hiroto in Gundam Build Divers Re:Rise. Genuinely talented and gonna miss him.

Perfectly acceptable that the film won Best Picture.

Forest Gump is more in the sentimental favorite category than the greatest movies of all time category. 

You do have to admit, Mr. Hanks is a pretty smart guy. From the New York Times interview:

Now playing

A Youtuber I enjoy watching(mostly for her coverage of old Sierra adventure games and her Murder She Wrote content) did a good video on the show and goes into detail about why the “true” stories were mostly just BS too.    Still a fun show to watch.

Yeah, I was thinking about that. It’s been kind of hard to keep track of the details of Barry’s various murders, thanks to the years-long break before this season, but all they have on Barry for Janice’s murder is what Cousineau told Papa Moss, right? And all Cousineau knows is what Fuches told him. So you have Person

“is there something in my eye?” I cackled.

One thing I noticed in terms of theme is that everyone who sought Barry for revenge failed to get it (and all in a different way, including one person just quitting out). The person who sought Barry for justice succeeded.

I don’t know what film productions have on set these days, but I hope they have counsellors to help kids process some of the stuff they are seeing. I hate the belief that kids are resilient, when in reality it just shows up for them as unresolved trauma in adulthood.

Old white men really not handling the 21st century very well.