Shinigami Apple Merchant

Marvel’s/Disney’s fervent desire to the contrary, a movie should be self-contained and capable of telling its own story. If it’s a sequel, sure you can expect your viewers to have seen the previous entry or entries, but expecting them to also watch through a bunch of (paywalled) limited TV series is a bridge too far

you raise an interesting point, which is maybe phase 4 is all about the individual characters’ emotional stakes and relationships to each other...which i think has been a mistake. i only have so much gas in the tank.

I lost interest midway through Phase 3, when the movies lost any thematic connection to reality and became entirely about character conflicts that stretch across multiple movies. It became impossible to not give a shit about Bucky, for example, which was my cue to cut ties.

it FEELS like homework, though. what is the mcu even about anymore? like what are we, as an audience, building towards?

I liked that color!

“Hamlindigo Blue knit tie” heheh. I love that Howard has an iconic look. While I’m not thrilled about their plot to destroy him (I find him oddly sympatheic), the length of these schemes have been quite something to watch unfold. Even the need to reposition the parking sign was harrowing. Really great direction from

The Rymans suck. Fuck HOAs. Enjoy your tomato red house, whoever you are.

Damn, they are going full-boar with Barry completely losing it. There were a few times Hader legit scared me this episode. Dude’s have a full on psychosis meltdown. His eyes.

Barry’s genius will always lie in its ability to find the perfect bit of off-handed comedy during a high-intensity situation. In addition to “too many dogs” and NoHo Hank’s watching Cristobal leave (and leave... and leave), Fernando being baffled/disgusted by the amount of cupholders he counted was delightful.

God, I

That checks. I have a friend who was a second unit camera assistant on Rampage for some of the sequences JDM was in and he told me he was an absolute delight. He’d hang out during resets and just shoot the shit and praise the crew. There were some big resets too, involving the takeoff and landing of a helicopter, and

This is the current AV Club. The writing is an ouroboros of snark which leads to articles that don’t say anything.

I’m not surprised he’s out front calling people out on their bullshit. I have a friend who’s a producer on the show and apparently Morgan is the coolest, nicest person to interact with on the cast. Not that others aren’t great to work with, but apparently Reedus for instance mostly likes to go hang in his trailer betwe

The tone of this article seems to be that Morgan is in the wrong here, or otherwise deserving of mockery for defending a costar with a tweet? Baffling.

Tom Cruise is going to wear so many pouches in this movie.

Let’s just hope he watches movies better than he draws feet!

Just how bad is this movie if Rob Liefeld thinks it’s the best movie he’s seen in over a decade?

Dou you know how you prevent shit like that of happening to you?

When a process server look for you at your home address or office you receive him or make an appointment for a later date, instead of trying to avoid and dodge it, because that’s how you get this kind of situation. Respect the job of the others and they

And it no doubt lacks the messaging of informing the public of the General Motors Street Car Conspiracy, which was a real thing:

Serious question: do kids actually enjoy these meta-takes on children’s movies? It feels like the recent biggest hits (Encato, Pixar, etc.) tell earnest stories children can enjoy and this just seems like snarky in-jokes for 37 year olds who grew up with the show (me).

The fact they sound like adult men alone ruins the whole thing.