Shinigami Apple Merchant

Let’s get John Hawkes involved, too, and W. Earl Brown while we’re at it, and turn it into a stealth Deadwood follow-up as well. Who would complain about that?

Because Justified was one of the best things on TV when it aired and holds up incredibly well, because Olyphant has shown himself to be an excellent performer with both dramatic and (underappreciated) comedic chops (*Santa Clarita Diet*!!!), because Elmore Leonard’s work seems to adapt to a visual medium VERY well

I agree. I also want them to find a way to get Ian McShane a part on this show so that he and Timothy Olyphant can share scenes again. It was pretty much the one thing I was hopping to see on Justified that did not happen...........

Because City Primeval is a hell of a read. I suppose it’s too much to hope for an adaptation of Tishomingo Blues.

I’m actually not sure if he smiled once during the entire run of Deadwood, though I loved both Bullock and Raylan.

Yep. Olyphant in interviews gives off such a laid back, beach bum, surfer vibe. But as you said... the simmering rage beneath the surface in Deadwood, Justified, etc, is so good.

God, I miss Justified. And can I say, for a guy who comes off as such a goof in interviews, Olyphant excels at playing seething rage.

As you noted here, Roman Holiday’s message is in part that a romantic relationship doesn’t have to end with “happily ever after” in order for it to be a good thing in the lives of both people.

I think the best romantic comedies, including Roman Holiday, are arguably a bit more than just well-done empty calories to the extent they have something important, and unusual, to say about romantic relationships, and good lives in general.

Nothing much to add, other than this is one of my all-time faves, and it is amazing that Audrey found her screen persona in her first big role. Also, I was a little dubious of the ice cream metaphor, until I remembered the famous scene on the Spanish Steps, then it all made sense! :)

There never was nor will be another Audrey Hepburn, for a first starring role she feels like a pro.  If she wasn't let onto what would happen with the Mouth of Truth, then damn did she roll with it gracefully.  I must say that Eddie Albert is quite enjoyable as Pecks friend, he adds a nice touch of comedy to the

Uh, Ziggy says there’s a 92.3% chance this is going to suck.

Totally agree. What’s hilarious about Quantum Leap is that they would periodically retcon the “rules” of how leaping worked if there was a good story to tell. And, yes, every person Sam leapt into was actually back at Project Quantum Leap in the future, though they barely addressed it and almost never actually showed

I’m worried they’re going to try to explain stuff, and that’s not going to go well.

Eh, I feel like a lot of these “surprise! their life is shitty now” retakes are just in service of resetting their arcs so we can walk the characters back to where they already were at the end of the first movie. The Matrix is the most glaring recent example, but they also kinda did it with Luke Skywalker (he learns

Arquette, meanwhile, treats the saga of Dwight “Dewey” Riley, now a washed-up drunk living in a trailer park, like Shakespearean tragedy.”

Scream 4 promised that Stab 5 would have time travel. Your review doesn’t mention time travel. Pass.