Shinigami Apple Merchant

I don’t mind that it was a trollish move by Bettany, it’s kinda funny. Also people over analysis stuff the Nth degree, folks were never gonna be satisfied even if it had turned out to be Fassbender, Pacino or Stewart.

Ron Gilbert didn’t until one day he did. Because it was so obvious. In any case as much as I admire Ron Gilbert and Tim Schafer I don’t trust their opinions on adventure games - their condesceding treatment of the Dave Grossman Telltale games was totally out of league. And then both ended up doing a point n click

It’s like a later Tom and Jerry, when the two of them could talk/ Like the Stones since the 80s, like the last days of Southfork....

Backlogged: Another Blaze of Glory Edition

As much as people like to dog Christensen’s work, look at how BAD Portman and Jackson are in these movies. Both of them have done fine work elsewhere but in the Prequels they stink on ice. Just absolutely inert, lifeless performances. Aside from Neeson, McGregor and McDiarmid are the only actors who actually managed

I’ve said it before and it’s been said by others but The Prequels were a good story told terribly and The Sequels on the whole (I quite liked The Last Jedi.) were a bad story told really well.

I just got a PS5 yesterday (I bit the bullet and bought a modestly marked-up unit from a local game store), so I’ll probably fool around with that little robot game.

I’ve been re-playing 428: Shibuya Scramble lately, mapping and testing a route to the good ending without any bad endings, to see if it could viably work

I could put you in touch with a gentleman who could help you...

As JMS mentions in his post, he brought this up when he met her:

Those retro shooters are fun, but to me at least pretty much unplayable without a mod/sourceport that adds WASD or gamepad controls. I’ve been spoilt with modern UI design.

Backlogged: Get Psyched! Edition

Backlogged: New Year, Old Games Edition

Fate of Atlantis is one of the best games ever made, and my pick for best point-and-click and best Indiana Jones game. It doesn’t seem like we have a clear sense of what kind of gameplay this new Indy game is going to revolve around just yet, but it’s almost certainly too much to hope for to see a successor to the

I think very few people have PLAYED the game in the way that we would associate this with his personality.

I think Link being a caveman burning everything is what is more like most players’ experiences

I appreciate that they showed the damn thing we all wanted to see immediately in the video and then explained, as opposed to 10 mins of commentary with ads interspersed.

King's dislike of the movie isn't surprising, but I disagree with the critique that the movie lacks empathy. It lacks empathy *for Jack.* But that's not terribly surprising, since the book is the story from Jack's point of view: the horror of the book is fueled by empathy for him, watching as he loses control and