
How is that an unpopular opinion when every critic said that, and specifically referenced De Niro’s appearance in the film?

Perez Hilton can take his fake ass apology and go live on the Isle of Too Little Too Late with Drew Brees... gtfo

Um, that’s nice, but where is Perez Hilton’s apology to the world at large for his entire existence?

goddamit...i didn’t know she was 17. Not cool. 

Amber Benson tweeted this in support of Charisma

I’m so happy she is coming forward with her truth and she is healing. Even as an avid Buffy-Angel-Firefly fan, it was obvious what had happened to her even then. This is so, so disappointing from Joss but it is not surprising.

Okay, but Justin Timberlake is still an asshole, right? #janet4eva

Timberlake is the most annoying celebrity of all.  And his reputation is really, really bad.  I wish we would cancel him once and for all. 

This is kind of rich coming from someone who appears to have a butt-ton of fillers. Which is fine, get fillers if you so choose, but to harp on about how you prefer things that come from the earth but are fine with Botox/collagen injections on a regular basis.

I secretly married Idris Elba last year.  It was so secret that neither he or my wife actually knows!

My father, who was a terrible parent in so many ways, taught me very few life lessons. One of them was: everyone has a price; those who say they don't only means they haven't found the right price yet. 

Thank you for posting this, hester. Fuck this guy. Good riddance. 

Could you imagine be a 56(!!!!) year old, dating someone almost 30(!!!!!!) years your junior, and being the “young guy” in her love life? Good god the pretty people are not like us.

Without social media there is no KK

If you can watch the one on Starz, check it out. I’ve found it to be a much better documentary. India sounds very rehearsed in some comments but they have a lot of cult experts sharing their opinion and explaining the process of brain washing people which was interesting for me. Also, you can see in the Starz

Seduced presents Keith’s true ideology. The Vow presents a candycoated version of his ideology meant to make the people who believed it look better. If you want to understand how he manipulated people, you have to watch Seduced. On it’s surface, Keith’s teachings were always harmful. There’s a reason why Nancy asked

I already like “seduced” better after one episode. “The Vow”, as many have said, is insufferably long and unfocused.

I thought it screamed “Mark Vincente’s effort to get his documentary career back online” . The Vow could have easily been condensed into 5 episodes without losing much. The one thing I found odd was in the 1st or 2nd ep there is mention of Rainiere curing people of very severe Tourette’s I kept assuming it would be

Also Catherine Oxenberg is the hero of this tale. She got the story out there- years ago I remember reading about it- and never let up. Totally kickass and super-impressive mama bear. India is so lucky to have her mom in her corner.