“Given his family’s background, he certainly didn’t need to become an actor, so he must genuinely love the craft.”
“Given his family’s background, he certainly didn’t need to become an actor, so he must genuinely love the craft.”
I once heard Hammer interviewed about the filming of Call Me By Your Name. The interviewer talked about the story of the film being about a life-changing summer romance and asked Hammer what is most life-changing, magical summer was - and he responded with, “The summer we made this film.” He described it as this…
I can't speak for anyone else, but no, I do not actually think Lea Michele killed or cursed anyone. 🙄
Without more detail it just seems like Fisher is mad Whedon cut his screentime.
Linehan is not British, Either way its a Shame as I love Black Books, Father Ted and The IT Crowd. But yea Linehan is a POS
It’s about god damn time that Twitter did something about Lineham. He’s been harassing trans women constantly, even to the point of having the police intervene, and they’ve turned a blind eye to him because he’s a verified person. JKRowling would be nice, but I don’t see that happening any time soon.
She knew what she was getting into and she chose to ignore it. She was told by a doctor that she trusted who, once looking at imaging, strongly urged them not to adopt this child. That this was going to be a very difficult case. Multiple experts told her how bad it could be. They still decided to go for it and…
I agree with and appreciate your pointing out the way that families are judged, but the issue here isn’t her “lifestyle”. It’s that she monetized her ‘adoption journey’ of a special-needs child, handed him off to a different family when day-to-day reality sunk in, and her regrets appear to be far more about the loss…
The butt of the jokes were those in blackface and the writers were punching up not punching down. Are there better ways to make fun of the oblivious whiteness of the Jenna Maroney’s of the world, maybe. But the face swap episode was actually about making two idiots understand intersectionality.
I still think Krakowski playing a white-passing Native American on "Kimmy" was in poor taste, but I seemed to be in the minority, at least over in the AV Club.
Yes, those most notable cis-writers that Jez is shitting on like... Charlotte Clymer?
I totally agree. I just do not know how Harron can state with such certainty that the journalists were cis. To this day, I haven’t a clue of most of the reporters’ sexual/gender identification in the newspaper of my own employment. We should all be beyond a default assumption of cis, by now.
I am somewhat confused as to how you can state with such confidence that the collective pool of journalists who reported this issue are ‘cis-journalists.’ Does NPR, CNN at al. include this data in their reporters’ biographies? Because an awful lot of journalists in these outlets are LGBTQA, thank you very much.
They’ve been suggesting this for a few years — I just got a notification of a like on a post I made last time this came up. So I’m just going to paste what I said then, since my opinion isn’t going to change until we get that magic gender equity wand that gives women half of all awards:
That’s “feel good“ inclusion that actually changes nothing. You are still forcing them to consider gender, just at the backend instead of upfront.
If the two winners can’t be the same gender what is the point of merging them into a gender neutral category? By simple statistics and probability a majority of the winners would be one man and one woman, as non-binary actors are a distant minority. The whole rational is to eliminate gender distinction in the awards.
Why is this issue so important to Rowling? Seriously, no one is taking anything away from her. She is not diminished in any way by transexuality and their efforts to be included as women. I find this odd. It seems to be a belief that one would not feel such urgency to publisize, but one that she could hold and express…
It’s not really up to the Queen. I’m sure Boris Johnson’s government will do the right thing...
Now he’s going to give another one—this time to federal prosecutors in New York. Best of luck!