I genuinely don’t get the love some people have for this man.
I genuinely don’t get the love some people have for this man.
Aw I loved Nosedive. The truck driver gave me a real “Large Marge has come back” vibe.
Your English is more than fine. For me this is the type of story I read and then ask myself, “how cute would this story be if the genders were reversed?”.
“She took me in the woods right before we shot, and she said, ‘You know, I tend to sexualize all my acting partners,’” Jordan said, “I thought, ‘Where’s this going?’ Well, honey, she kicked me, rolled me over, and got down on me and started riding me... I didn’t know what I was supposed to do! I just laid there and…
So basically, at least how I’m reading this, Gaga regularly assaulted and/or sexually assaulted Jordan because she wanted to go all “method acting”? And we’re going to be all “YAS KWEEN!” about it? O.K., then.
I need help! English is my second language so I must be missing something because that hilarious story sounds to me like Lady Gaga raped a 65 year old gay man.
I reckon someone was fucking with the reporter. A name like that, it’s like Jose Luis Da Silva Hispania Vasquez, or Ivan Ivanovitch Ivanov, or Vito Frappucinno, or Schmuley Boteach.
This is the fist time I’ve ever heard of Dalkey described as a’gated community’. It’s just a suburb of Dublin City, in County Dublin. My boyfriend from when I was in Sixth Form lived there. I spent many very fun weekends that year there.
Is it even possible to have a ventilator in one’s home?? Ventilators require different medical professionals (to intubate, to sedate, etc.), tubes, monitors, medications, the works—I know they’re very wealthy but that sounds a bit far-fetched. He’s probably calling something else (incorrectly) a ventilator when it’s…
Fox had a woman wearing pants on air?
Jezebel (past, present, future writers all) should never be allowed to write about vaping in any capacity, ever. Dangerously irresponsible every. single. time. Fuck all of you, sincerely, in every single way. Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you.
But there IS irrefutable evidence that vaping makes you an insufferable person.
I get it, there are not 15 peer reviewed studies that link vaping with being more likely to catch a severe case of coronavirus. But come the fuck on, that word “novel” that people sometimes put in front of the name is not referring to the coronavirus being a lengthy work of fiction.
Um, guys.
“Also English”? This is the second time in a week I’ve had to point out to someone here that Wales is not part of England.
There are also Asian people who are essential workers who are ALSO getting racist shit yelled at them while they try to help people.
This is the equivalent of a Karen griping about not being able to get non-GMO hemp water.
You only have one question, I have a whole bunch.