Beyoncé also discusses finding balance between her kids, her husband, and her career: “I think that’s life for any working mom.”
Beyoncé also discusses finding balance between her kids, her husband, and her career: “I think that’s life for any working mom.”
If Beatrice even gets married at this point, her wedding will not be televised. Even before Andrew's interview it was unlikely she would have a public wedding since they were already having sources tell the media, they wanted to keep her fiance's son out of the spotlight. But now I think it is likely that her…
I’m not an actor, but I think his sense of insecurity is probably at least partially warranted. Not because we associate his face with this stupid ad. But because casting directors may balk at the implicit association. Given that being the type of commercial actor this guy is requires the advanced skills of being…
This is a poorly written post, with confusing edits and missing context all over the place. Especially disappointing since the topic is interesting.
His interview just made me more sure he is a total scumbag that did horrible things. Before I thought that maybe he just had the wrong scumbag friend, but now I think he’s a total scumbag who took what was offered.
That good boy is just impeccably well groomed.
Great piece - just a quick note that the link to the casting call story doesn’t seem to work!
Wow, Johnny Deep’s really doing his best to make sure anyone who might have missed the prior emails and memos know he’s an insufferable asshole.
I cannot imagine being attracted to Justin Timberlake under any circumstances...
I don’t know her (truth, not shade). The pics definitely look like more than just “friendly” touching, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they took it to the bedroom. That said, cheating rumors have followed JT for years, to the point that I have to believe that (in general, again, maybe not in this case), where…
Good for Beck for getting out, but it’s silly for him to pretend like we were all just imagining him being a Scientologist when he explicitly said he was in a 2005 interview.
MAybe I’m tired of being outraged,but I don’t have a problem with this. Ronan did great work and him being awarded is fine. I agree the Jodi and meghan should also be awarded and I would think something geared toward women would award them. With Carlson i feel like she is attempting to change and she has been very…
It has become clear to me over the last few days that the circumstances relating to my former association with Jeffrey Epstein has become a major disruption to my family’s work and the valuable work going on in the many organisations and charities that I am proud to support.
Yes - it’s great we’ll never potentially get truth now. Moron.
According to the link the woman Wilmer is with is 28 and hes 39. This is the most age appropriate relationship of his, that I can think of. Its 11 years but not at drastically different life stages
Still torn as to fell asleep vs. paid off. I can’t decide if it matters in the end.
don’t forget about the cameras that malfunctioned conveniently outside his cell
But her resume says she invented the current design on the dollar bill?
I think that’s the picture she used on her fake Time Magazine cover.
“I admit fully that my judgment was probably coloured by my tendency to be too honourable but that’s just the way it is.”