
Everyone prefers Logan over Duncan.

OMG I can't believe they pulled it off without a breathless shouty all caps Star cover.

Actually, I kind of agree with Prudence here. She's in a monogamous marriage to a man. They are not opening it up, apparently, to include others. Marriage presumably means forever. Unless the topic came up of its own accord, what would be the point of making an announcement?

"It's about friendship and dystopian class disparity, like the family I live in without the friendship bit though and kinda a mash-up of William Gibson steampunk 'cos I heard that on 'E' and it sounded awesome even though I think it's rully meant to be cyberpunk meets one-child policy China 'cos by this stage I have

we need to have a funeral for LOVE.....

Apologies that go like this ("I would never disrespect anyone's child") are the strangest thing ever. You did disrespect a child, idiot. You really did it in actual life reality.

Stine and Christopher Pike two fantastic YA writers. Midnight Club still one of the best YA novels ever (by Pike). I loved Fear Street novels a town with a really high death rate for teens. His Christmas Fear Streets were good too. I didn't care for his last FS series that ran for 12 novels. Stine and Pike should

Exactly- Old Navy is known for making disposable shit (except exercise shorts, for some reason, which are my favorite and like a dollar and I put them through hell and they survive), and even *they* are out-designing The Gap, who is supposed to make sturdy, reliable basics.

I feel like you can't really wear more than one Gap item at a time without looking like a Sunday school teacher.

Fajitas are a TexMex cuisine, yes, I know that. But please let's not act that "fajita" is the first food you think of when you think of Texas food. COME ON, Y'ALL. If this was Rick Perry, that subhead would read "We'll need more barbecue." Just please. I know everybody wants to share how much they know about fajitas

Also really proud of Jamie Chung for making The Real World work for her.

White nervous, not black nervous. HUGE diff.

Uh if any of you obsessively pored over Drake's Instagram account, you would know that he posted stills from the video as well, captioned "Ayyyyyyyye @nickiminaj way way wayyyyyyy up. Def the best invite to a video shoot EVER. #ViewsFromMyChair #MyAnacondaWasWayUp".

John Barrowman challenged David Tennant and Misha Collins and I'm REALLY looking forward to those


that looks like the Sunnydale High library to me. :)

That is one LONG finger.

Now playing

Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all. Sing it, Whitney.

Kid one was nursed until 14 months and weaned himself. Kid 2 nursed for 22 months and I literally had to leave the city for three days to wean him. Kid 3 nursed for 19 months and I stopped. I stopped because I realized that I had been nursing for damn near four years— I had a 7 month break between kids 2 and 3 and