
I was diagnosed the week before she was and finished chemo about 3 weeks ago and I’m a bald little eagle. Even though we see that the photo was taken in 2013 it’s kind of bumming me out that she is trying to pass it off as “post cancer”. Treatment changes your appearance and your life. Own it Julia! (Not that I blame

I’m glad for Dreyfus. I have breast cancer and its just hell on earth. I’m wondering why she still has hair, unless it’s a wig..mine fell out after my first chemo and two years later I am still not quite back to myself, (though my hair is!).

oh god there must have been so many blustering white people and dropping monocles.

So brave. Skinnybrave, even.

I can shop online if it's a retailer I know and trust. Otherwise, I'll only do it if they have free shipping AND free return shipping.

A lot of retailers have comments sections and people will leave notes that say things like "runs small" or "looks lighter in person than in the picture" and that helps a lot. I also buy online from stores that I've bought from before, so I know how their clothes generally fit. I hate clothes shopping, so buying online

I feel like that's a bill you could stand to be a little stingy on, but nope - she tipped just slightly higher than 20%.

No, that would be a $4.70 tip on a $23 tab. Math is your friend, don't push it away!

I have only recently allowed myself to come to the realization that eating disorders are genetic both through nature and nurture (I believe).

I'm saving a normal relationship with food as something I'll earn in my forties.

I can relate, only my step mother was very clear about her opinions of my body. She even made my sister and I chant "I hate food," before meals. My sister and I desperately craved being included in our new family. When my sister finally did lose weight (or rather grew into it) she got her wish while I continued to be

As a bonus, it's hilarious and adorable to hear my two year old say "Hi Penis!" when I change his diaper in the morning.

This. You don't need to be on-track to be c-suite at Goldman, but you do need to be willing to change a diaper and pick the kids up from school and see the inherent value in all of those things.

Seriously! Just because you enjoy the songs doesn't mean you should date the man who sings it. It's just like how you shouldn't automatically date the author of your favorite book. Most people we idolize turn out to never live up to the hype and starting a relationship with stars in your eyes always leads to disaster.

I may or may not have gone through a distinct "Hunter phase" in the mid-90s as a preteen. I was a weird kid, ok? And her look was fierce.

Her and hair and clothes were just perfection. I never, ever got 80s hair like that. It never happened. No matter how hard I tried, I could never get the bangs or sides to do that. my hair was best suited for the late 70s Sissy Spacek middle-part style. I did quite well in the early 2000s with the Jennifer Aniston

Scott is having trouble with drinking and he is worried about all the responsibilities of being a new father


I feel like I need to take some of my clonazepam after reading that.

this is why i only ever hook up with the girls from tinder because one time i hooked up w/ this guy he put his HAND on my ceiling. I lied and said my mother was coming home but i was actually mad that he stood up and my bed and touched my ceiling. I never called him back ever