
Yeah. I nurse my kids way past infancy but 10...that's way outside my comfort zone. It's also well into "that child really should have detached by now" territory. Oh, and the potty training thing - that doesn't have to be as weird as it is when your cousin does it. I know lots of folks who have their babies out of

Did he ever want to make bad men fly?

I'm getting married in... shit, less than three months, and I like to think I'm quite reasonable. My take on the matter has always been that everyone else is doing me a favor. Literally nobody else on the face of the planet cares about my wedding as much as I do, and the people who show up anyway - never mind the ones

She had me at "Your nature perforated the abrasive organ pumps

lol... "desegregate"?

I'm almost positive she meant excoriate.

The biggest news here is that Kristen Stewart was consecrated at some point. I can only conclude that she thinks the paparazzi taking photos of her are equivalent to that guy who took a sledge hammer to Michaelangelo's pietà?




Did she mean decimated?

I don't get the Kale hate. Kale is fucking delicious and it's high in Vitamin K.

We're also just getting confident about actually being out of the Great Recession. I'm sure plenty of people deliberately put off having kids while incomes were uncertain and foreclosures were looming, and are now feeling secure enough to grow their families.

The AP's Twitter account distinguishing itself once more:

Thanks! I've been MIA for the past few weeks as a result, but he is of course totes worth it

Personally, I like to think that if Malala Yousafzai hadn't been imprisoned and killed by the Nazis, she'd be a Belieber today.

I don't understand why we all have to be athletes now. In 2014, either we are lazy fat people, or super-fit athletes. There is no middle-ground anymore.

My barre studio is closed for a week because they are moving studios and I am really bummed out about this. So the answer is yes, I am a cultish devotee to my regimen.

Hunger really is the source of most of my anger.

lol. one time i had a fat, pregnant wolf spider fall on my head in the shower.