
The problem is if something nonconsensual happened. That changes things a great deal...

No kidding. This is what... the 10th article about this movie in the last four weeks?

Honestly, the amount they’re fucking paying you to write all this fluff around what you, the AV Club, gave a C- to in the review almost makes me want to turn off my adblocker so you could earn some honest revenue that didn’t affect your output.

Wow - I had never seen this, and now I am sitting here weeping. Thanks for posting.

LeVar is awesome and has been for a long time.

There was almost certainly settlement money and a settlement agreement, but it likely included an unusual provision calling for a dismissal like this possibly before Haddish filed an answer to the complaint.

First of all, GLOW deserves six seasons and a movie.

We don’t send them, they are drawn.

God I love Lil Nas X. So good. 

Canada, please send more Christmas trees to Boston and fewer homophobes.

It’s as if Ezra Miller looked at the long arc of Johnny Depp’s career and said “I can do that, but twice as crazy and in a third of the time!”


“I failed to read this room right”

The amount of dick riding that is happening on twitter for Tate, baffles me. And it’s all men. It’s pathetic.

The GTA games stories usually follow with an idea and take on the current socioeconomical and political landscape, and things have changed a lot since GTA5's release - which is why I imagine why we have a poc female protagonist now. I admit, things will be interesting when it comes to comedy.

He’s such a fucking idiots it actually hurts. He has all the money in the world to ensure a top notch education, but that takes work, work he is unwilling to do because it’s not about knowledge for him, it’s an ego stroke. He is one of the dumbest people in all of sports, and that’s not an easy feat to achieve.

Alex Jones is a steaming pile of dog crap, and Kyrie is an unapologetic meat puppet.

Wait, the anti-vaxxer who sat out half the last NBA season and tanked in the playoffs still wants to platform his belief that Covid-19 is a secret plot to take over the world? I suppose he’s also all in with the reptilian pedophiles conspiracy theory and Jewish space laser superweapon. Maybe he has a future in

All your points are true, but there is an additional detail that is often overlooked. A lot of the industry that was out-sourced to China is very dirty and damaging to the environment. Think of the Pennsylvania steel industry, and how it wreaked havoc on that regions ecology for decades. That’s China’s problem now.

We have ourselves to blame for situations like this. We spent years pretending China was anything other than an authoritarian regime that brutally cracks down on dissent and commits genocide against its own people because for years it was super easy to go there and make shit tons of money. Companies from around the