
Thank you! And “highly sexualized themes" indeed.

The TV shows are okay, with their lower-stakes and eager-to-please fan-service.

Remember in Wonder Woman 84 when WW used the body an unconscious/non-consenting man for sex and put it repeatedly in harm’s way?

Now can we finally stop glorifying this woman and presenting her as some kind of empowering role model for young Black girls?  Please stop!

I thought this episode was hilarious. That “You don’t like Avongers? We’ve got Avingers” line is like peak Futurama quality. I remain mystified by people who aren’t able to key into the humor of the series. It’s more laugh out loud funny than a lot of sitcoms I’ve seen. It wouldn’t stand against anything truly great,

According to Gunn, DC/WB basically offered him whatever property he wanted, including Superman. He picked Suicide Squad because he’s a fan of the comics, and also (my speculation here) his writing is strongest with ensembles.

Wait.... Holy shit... That would be an AWESOME subplot! Madisynn hires Jen Walters to negotiate out of the contract she signed

It’s almost as if you get good results when you let creative people be creative.

I mean...have you seen the rest of the DC universe?

However, it did provide fans with a spin-off cartoon series

I always figured it was the one property that WB didn’t care enough to fuck with too much, and their decision to let Gunn have it was a kind of “fuck it, why not?”

Calling the animated Harley Quinn a spin-off of Suicide Squad (or Birds of Prey) feels like a huge stretch.

In my lifetime I have seen many characters like Madisynn start out as annoying one note jokes only to become a popular fan favorite.

::reads comments::

She was a *GREAT* joke of a person.


“using the same aesthetics that have turned the MCU into a pile of green and purple mush”

I have enjoyed Minaj’s work, but she is SUCH a garbage human.

It would be if it didn’t continue to enable cops to get away with being terrible at their jobs

I mean, what’s so bad about watching a fantasy world in which cops are good at their jobs and affluent white people actually get punished for the crimes they commit? It’s a nice break from reality!