
I’m still lost on this whole dice game thing...
Why would you agree to play dice with people who don’t even make a fraction of the money that you do?
And vice versa, I’m guessing this guy was hoping to collect some easy money from a millionaire and couldn’t pay up when he lost.
And all at a damn bowling alley at 2:30 in

Actually he was the problem because everything about that character was stuck in its Snyderverse origins.
Case in point: Gal Godot and Jason Mamoa both had opportunities to show their character off, and they were able to win audiences over.
But Henry...he’s had multiple movies, and every single one of them were never

Eh...I blame the odd plot holes that have been made fun of to death by Rick and Morty:
Robot: “We have won the robot wars in this universe! Shall we go to another and aggro the one woman that has been able to stop the apocalypse?”
Other Robot: “Yes, for reasons.”
“Even if costs us our exis...”

This is the shit that bother’s me so much that cops are allowed to escalate AND start their own one man journey of making up shit just to justify an arrest and/or harm.
(Asshole cop pulled me over to tell me I didn’t have my seatbelt on, then went on to accuse me of stealing my own car! Where the fuck did that come

I’m pretty sure Shannon has run like a million more miles than Brady ever had to as a QB.
Is this why white folks like Skip love that position so much? You get to command a black team while also not moving and they have to protect you?

If i were her...I’d be making Gulag jokes for the rest of my life.
(Kremlin, Kermit, Krispy Kreme...don’t matter, out in 10)
But there is no one in this entire country that had the better flight back than she just did.

But his stupidity was at play and vital to the story.
Miles Morales was inexperienced and underpowered, hence why his Uncle died because he was not strong enough to help him.
Peter Parker was powerful but dumb because he didn’t realize that he couldn’t have the best of both worlds, thus introducing his Aunt to his life

But Biden did free another military prisoner, and you haven’t bothered to once acknowledge it.
So now that we see how you lie, we can expose your homophobia. 

Common sense says you didn’t even mention the last military prisoner freed by Biden because that was not your aim.
Common sense now shows you not caring, but real quick to attack THIS subject. 

I knew all those criticisms for the first part, but to me it doesn’t matter how similar the plot is when the execution is done in a unique way.
(hence why No Way Home didn’t get any shade for being exactly like Spiderverse)
But that first film was done well where it counted, I just didn’t think Jenkins would be dumb


She can be a good director, but not a good writer.
WW one was great because she had the actual writer of wonder woman comics on the writing team.
WW1984 did not because she thought she could write better than him.
So at least we see how horrible she can be in one field. 

I love the fact that she doesn’t recognize the irony in that wikipedia link.
She literally had one of the best writers of wonder woman comics on her team for the first movie, and then decided to let him go because she believed she knew more about her than the credited writers of that wiki page.

I will debate you that the Between the Scenes segments were the most honest and impact part of his show. It was great having Jon on and the way he did it, but Trevor giving us an outsider’s perspective and story telling was one of a kind.

I think it’s a shame that he didn’t have a bigger send off considering the amazing and iconic guests he’s had on his show.
(It’s hard for me not to throw shade at Anna Kendrick who basically just used her position as lovable white woman to take over a few between the scenes segments, the best part of the show, for her

And what decision could be made that would be fair?
Fair was never an option, because Whelan was only going to be let go if something worse like at least a dozen arms dealers were traded over.
Would that make you happier?
Of course not, because you already showed your homophobia.

But it’s YOUR point. Don’t get mad when you bring up evidence that’s clearly stupid and ignorant minded.
You want to flip your own board, fine, go on and be a child about it, I’m glad you’re mad about a woman being freed from the gulag.

But it is racist, sexist, and homophobic to not admit the truth: it was never going to be a good trade.
If Whelan was let go, and a dozen men just as dangerous as Viktor were released, would it be any better than this?
It’s not saying the quiet part out loud that singles out the racists and discrimination. 

If it were up to me, I’d give this woman a whole ticker tape parade like an astronaut coming back from the first moon landing.
1. All hate toward her is clearly being driven by Russia, and this would be the best way to say FU Putin
2. I’d rather be in a few different horror movies than face the treatment she

Actually there have been multiple movies highlighting American based sellers (and did you forget the ending of that movie, like where the American government itself sets him free?).
It’s hysterical that suddenly everyone has an opinion on the dangers of internal arms sells...and equates it to a woman who’s personal