
Bring it up, go ahead.
But what’s that got to do with the WHITE GIRL that killed him?
Just seems odd that this was such an important footnote for you to mention
...that has nothing to justify/trigger/bring about the violent death he suffered by an abusive partner with a history.

No, you gave me a diatribe.
Pretentiousness makes you dismissive. 

“Don’t show any evidence of my past behavior, as long as I get to control the narrative I’m going home scott free!

Who the fuck raised these people to take a life so easily and then try to disregard it like a bad social media post?

Sorry for being content.
You’re the one that has a grudge on a show that will never be matched.

But you just said you found the show uneven from the beginning.
Seems to me that I’m the only one not upset by the eventual failure. 

But do you see how you just excused my argument for little finger?
Yeah, that’s what you all did...FOR OVER 4 years until you had no show left to excuse.
This show was bound to fail by the expectations made by fans (how’s RR Martin coming along with that “real” ending ya’ll keep hoping for?) and being limited by HBO’s

They exaggerate for comedic effect, but DBZA perfectly nails the mood of the whole series.
TFS never displayed anything that wasn’t already there (Goku landing on planet Namek to Hogan’s theme was superb for hitting the exact feeling when we first watched it).

There is but one wonderful saving grace of Dragon Ball: Evolution...
It was so bad, Akira Toriyama came out of retirement to continue making Dragon Ball stories.
And for that I thank you...
James Wong? Really, X-Files guy did this badly? Wow. 

World’s strongest is one of the few DBZ movies that gives a worthwhile finale without “tiara moon power” saving them all.
I can never get into the hail mary endings of so many DBZ movies, but at least with World’s Strongest it makes sense because Goku was being helped while he charged up the spirit bomb (hence villain

The same complaints you just mentioned had all been happening since SEASON 3. But the fans were so rabid that they excused all of that and somehow (incredibly unrealistically knowing there would be half a season left), thought the final episodes would put an end to everything perfectly.
I liked the finale because

We’re also assuming that they’re not in the closest and this is just their odd self hating attempt. 

And as someone who liked the ending, even my own interest in the franchise is long gone because i feel like there is nobody else who would watch it with me.
Maybe they should have set their sights lower and just done one show.

I’m only going to care about this if it has the following:
Kevin Garnett saying his wife tasted like Cheerios has to be an extended section.
And all the strippers get to talk about how many times Melo would waste his max contract on them.
Otherwise, why the hell would I watch for?

The good news is he’s basically going to do everything possible to split the vote. I believe he would be the best toxic dump of a candidate for the GOP...but there is no way they’ll just sit back and let him take it easily.
Trump wasn’t even on the blimp for the GOP until after there were only 4 candidates left

trump will flee this country and willingly be a puppet for any other country, as long as they keep giving him his fast food, a lavish place to stay at, and out of jail.
You will see him in a Turban/Ushanka/PLA uniform talking against Americans to other countries:
“I tried to save America, I tried to make it great

You mean do research on race driven inequalities instead of just throwing uncredited opinions like yours?
Oh yeah, shame me on that.

He sure got real quick with that apology a week later when he thought the players union saved him from all punishments.
He’s sorry he got caught. And the more punishments head his way, the more women who he abused will come out to speak as well. 

I think the bigger point here is that she is clearly being treated with a lot of leniency because she’s white.
Your comment is going to do the exact thing a racist would do, shift the blame on to the boyfriend to make her sound not just as a victim but exonerate her of any wrong doing...even while having a legal

Jerry West took an ass whooping that made Karl Malone look better than Jordan.
In good faith, half that rings can’t be counted as a challenge.

Not bad, but Serena’s was draining her life energy and giving her nausea.
So I guess an Eagles fan would be a better comparison.