
It is weird to do comparisons of athletes of different fields, I’m pretty sure if you get the most mediocre of linemen in the NFL and anyone of them can knock down LeBron.
But Serena’s GOAT status for me comes from the fact that she won the Australian Open while 2 months pregnant.
Let’s see anyone in the NFL, NBA, or

Oh i know what the plans are:
-Marauders: Fail and died on first mission, now they’re just clones he keeps making...who always get killed.
-Creator of Madelyne Pryor: Fail because she gave birth to Cable, thus someone who could actually defeat his master in the future as well.
-Fixation with Cyclops and Jean Grey: Fail


Doom would’ve been good. But I’m looking forward to watching him in a hero role.
and this might go into spoiler territory...

Sinister? That guy is such a loser. He’s basically just a gigantic ass kisser to Apocalypse and his own plans never work out.
Esposito deserves better than second hand of the second hand. 

Pretty sure I know what the upcoming lyric is going to be to all this...
“Skeet dead, taking back Kim, that’s crazy Ye!
I’ll forgive a ho, as long as they know they place!”

If you know, you are a true fan.
If they do one pre-order from me.

I feel like they may actually drop some characters from the last game. SNK has basically had two decades of Market Research and many of them have shown up or at least referenced in multiple games by now.
I’ll be surprised if Freeman and Kevin show up. 

His mama call him Butt, I’m a call him Butt. 

*this is my WB driven cynicism to your list*
1. “But we needs the kids to also think Superman is ‘Coolman’, we need to give him an edge. Maybe kill Lois next time?”
2.”Which Batman? Ah, doesn’t matter. We got 10 of them coming out in the same year. Ever wanted Batman in charge of daycare? Kindergarten Batman!”

Not that I’m doubting Feige, but I always feel like there’s at least some angle when it comes to these types of interactions.
Perhaps Squirrel girl conference is not that far along?

At this point I think he’d prefer jail then getting his show taken off and the revenue he got from the Super Brain Tonic pills he was selling. 

So they killed off Batgirl and Supergirl for this fool?
I’m pretty sure if he ever comes back, Warner Bros. will just chain him up in their own private dungeon just to make sure he can keep making movies without any public appearances. 

Well there will be, Russia proved it couldn’t stay in power even when they had all the power in the world. But that’s not here for the moment.
I think the more important idea here is to always keep that government mentally checked off at all times.
It’s like how we love Jackie Chan, but we just make sure to ignore

But the drugs aren’t the issue here.
She’s getting 9 years, 3/4 as much as someone committing manslaughter in that country.
They would’ve thrown her in jail for spitting on a sidewalk.

Pretty difficult considering he was the head of the KGB, so he lives in a constant state of paranoia and power.
If he’s willing to kill a man by poisoning him with a nuclear isotope so rare they were able to pinpoint what lab it came from, it’s because Putin doesn’t skip on the detailing.
The real issue is those

They survived for that long because of everything but their gaming department. They are buying out Activision, because of their success with other products that have nothing to do with gaming. You are leaving some of the dishonesty out of this.

This is more than beyond the realm of exclusives though. The fact that Microsoft is blatantly lying, when it’s very well known that they’re going to undermine the entire industry is the larger issue.
You’re worried about exclusivity? Imagine how many great IP’s are about to get burned and lost just to make up money

But DC is known for their R content though, that’s like the one thing they’ve had going for them over Marvel for decades.
Judge Dredd, Constantine, the various Batman animated films...
Their Oscar award winning JOKER for godsakes!
So i don’t think that the super-sensitive that you’re talking about matters, otherwise

But those failures are from a completely different era of gaming, so it’s not fair to compare two different sales models and their targets.
Ghosts was hoping to sell as many copies with additional upkeep in DLC.
Warzone was free with targeting sales of any of their DLC; even if it was five dollars from a single player,