
What impression are you under that games get better under Microsoft control? How’s Rare and that Halo franchise doing?
What makes you think that half the staff won’t lose their job so MS can get their money back?
What makes you think that MS won’t skyrocket the price of gamepass once it has a monopoly of the industry?

I guess they just had a tunnel vison director to blame...
instead of having someone like Feige around to reign it all in as well as give various directors enough space to play around with different properties in distinct ways.
Nobody ever called Phase 1 of the MCU “the Favreu verse”.
And not that many

It seems like they never understood HOW multiple franchises work, not just in the film itself but on the production side.
The Suicide Squad should have easily been one of their biggest entries ever...and they didn’t even bother give it the same marketing push as Joker. It feels like instead of one department figuring

I think it may be due to boxing at least sticking to some of it’s more controlled, less violent weight classes where you barely see blood even in a 12 round match. It can live up to it’s nickname of the sweet science and such.
MMA on the other hand is a regulated dog fight. It’s not pretty at all, it can’t be

I think the most important lesson here is if god has done you the favor of making sure you can keep yourself wealthy but get robbed...maybe not complain so loudly to the police, consider it a donation to the needy.
Don’t make so much noise that your past comes right back real quick.

The Tupac hologram should’ve been a good indication that his estate was never going to be handled in a proper and respectful way.
But I will blame Tupac for not spending at least some of his time on an air tight contract that would help his sister and family out....assuming they were on good terms with each other. 

You pointed out the biggest problem to me with my multiple descriptions:
Nobody, ever, tells you when the content loses it’s supposed exclusivity.
You’d imagine that HBOmax, owners of DC, with all the DC movies, first to premiere streaming movies from DC will have all the DC content I want.
Until I log in and see that

Yuck, this is like finding out R.Kelly before his arrest was still selling Ice Cream to children from his van.
I get that you want to have the prestige of having someone on the Supreme Court as a teacher...but this dude?

I’m not married to that word. But giving me a whole history on the ideologies that clearly were manipulated to put innocents into gulags for all those decades...don’t bullshit me either. 

Me thinks you’re defending Russia too hard there bud.
I won’t use communism anymore, but you’re still stuck speaking up for Russia.

But they usually are though. When was the last time you ever heard of a communist state that was pro LGBTQ? I mean if that word is so hot button to use, ok, I won’t use it...but don’t tell me either that what’s flapping, what’s quaking is not something that hasn’t been that since their president was the head of the

Well, the president of their country was the head of the KGB and committing to the same policies.
So if you want me to call it “clagueram”...ok.
Doesn’t make a difference.

You mean like all the starving and dying Cubans that come over to my beaches nearly every day, and having to hear about they have no access to money with education limited from free speech and constant propaganda that puts down the United States?
Oh, they came from paradise alright.

Kind of hard to tell the difference when the president is using the exact same policies when he was the head of the KGB.
Either way, I would stay the fuck out of that area for a long while, considering they’re prone to war about every few years.

Did China let all those Uyghurs out of  jail and torture all of a sudden?
A difference without a distinction.
Not communist but follows every word to the definition, including a president who’s entire career was established during that label.
Got it.

So they’ve been accepting of the LGBTQ community, haven’t issued exaggerated criminal laws against those talking against the state, and haven’t had anyone who does talk about Putin poisoned, especially reporters?
If it’s not quite communism...please tell me the goddamn difference.

I guess blackmail would be the only reason left. Although I think if you’re being blackmailed by someone as dumb as must be pretty stupid to begin with.

I can agree on that, slime trying to hide their own slime.
Honest to god though, if these folks protecting R.Kelly weren’t also completely bat shit crazy, I’m curious to know how long he could’ve kept up this behavior with competent people around. 

How can you be guilty of a crime that gets trumped up into their version of the federal court?
How many people do you see here in the states taken to the Supreme Court for having less than an ounce of weed?
If you can’t even comprehend the ridiculousness of this setup, I really don’t think you have a valid judgement on

To imagine that a baskeball player would be used in geopolitical manipulations half way across the world is something only someone pure evil would stoop down to.
However, from now, if any athlete wants to play in a known communist regime on the other side of the world....this is the warning that the U.S. will not look