
What the hell was he defending with these actions?
Isn’t R.Kelly broke? Didn’t he admit during his trail to having absolutely no cash left over to pay anyone?
That is some straight up cult mentality to actively defend Kelly to that point.

I’m fairly sure Avatar is only being made out of a contract obligation to satisfy James Cameron’s ego so Disney could have the rights to merchandising.
“Tell me I’m still relevant! Tell me I’m still a big deal and don’t have to make a Netflix movie!”

The only person who I feel is “safe” coming to this town over and over again is Bad Bunny.
After that, you’re on your own. I think the police even protested Beyonce for starting her tour at the Superbowl at that same stadium.

It’s my town and unfortunately the only people who get caught up from those large concerts are out of towners coming in with their worst behavior.
I mean you could pay how much money to see Cardi-B 100 feet away with this same crowd.
Or you could spend half as much and go to BTS by the River, a small strip club where

Oh yeah, Marvel villains characters turning themselves around into heroes is a constant thing.
If T’Challa can turn Thanos into a hero, I’m sure he had some nice words for his cousin in the other plane.

That trailer was phenomenal, it was so incredible that I think everyone just ignored DC announcements.
It’s going to be crazy when they set up a villain that’s going to be more hated than Thanos. 

Phase 4 has been about putting women first in the Marvel Universe, but I love that they’re signing up actresses that already very talented and have a big following behind her.
Now I won’t know if I’ll like her more in the good place or She-Hulk :D

Even if it’s her, it won’t be for very long.
It’ll probably work for the ending of this story, but you know they still got real life Marvel fanatic Michael B Jordan waiting in the wings to take up the mantel in the next film. Especially since they were asking for him to be Black Panther before Chadwick passed away.

This is stupid. This is STUPID. THIS IS STUPID.
Really? Testify in the court of a foreign country? At this point, Putin is directly in charge of this whole trial and making Brittney suffer, because apparently he can’t get the job done in Ukraine.

I looked at the wiki just now to see if maybe I missed something...
...nope, still directionless and odd. 

The Adventures of Baron Munchausen
First movie I ever watched in a theater.
My god, what the hell did I just watch?

Choco Taco were created in the age of the transfat.
It’s likely demise should’ve been decades ago.
But still it carried on, and I never tasted one.
Because I hated the idea of mixing chocolate ice cream with a taco theme -_-
Still, I tip my hat to a legend that would not give up its ghost. 

Kid Cudi definitely did the right thing. The next thing they could’ve thrown might have been rocks.
But that type of concert and crowd, is not the right one for him. Remember that’s the same city that couldn’t wait to open up pandemic regulations in the most public areas, as well as the same town that tried to kick

If Rolling Loud is meant to be an environment where black musicians come out and let their maga hats fly, then hey...I guess they’re in the right state.
But, I could’ve sworn that some of them wanted to inspire their fans to be better people? So i guess that’s the bigger joke.

How many dinners for the poor could that necklace could have paid for?
How many homeless could have slept in shelters at just half the cost of that car?
How many times has he told people to hold their money for Sunday’s collection, and he trades in a few rings instead?
If he were just a rich man, I’d leave it be. But a

Those are the types of fans that put up middle fingers during an artist’ performance. Like it’s some odd sort of envy and jealousy: “You’re more talented and more successful than me, but fuck you for coming down here to sing!”

That dude knew he was in a safe crowd though, that crowd isn’t there to listen to music and vibe. They are there to get blazed up, being toxic, say they were at Rolling Loud after visiting South Beach and then go back home like if they went to a foreign country with stories about our hot women.
And if you think I’m

I love that Marvel always has spies at movies premieres to test out audience reactions and then facilitate the direct licensing dependent on those reactions:
“They recognize Reed Richards! They love him! We can use Fantastic Four references! Franklin Richards is a go! Kang can be used! I repeat, A Green on the word

Apparently they’re going to use Namor to introduce Central American Indigenous themes.
If Ryan Coogler does for Brown audiences what he did for Black audiences, the man would have transcended his own genre. Amazing.

Exactly, their supervisor would have to give them the dressing down of their life to explain:
“Why did you think it was necessary to stalk this kid over a missed stop sign at night?”