can confirm. I’ve been that asshole before.
can confirm. I’ve been that asshole before.
She is so stunning. She always has been, but everytime I see her, I’m reminded of how striking she is. Not to mention her incredible talent and creativity.
I thought I recognized the cave room from an episode of The Girl’s Next Door (I know, I know.. I was young and impressionable).
They can’t. ha. Also, I hear so much about poppers, but I know nothing about them.
Shes an inspiration. I agree more with Bernie’s politics, but Hillary... Hillary is power. She demonstrates so much strength, fortitute, resolve, composure, and a certain degree of fierceness (not “oooh girl, fierce” but legitimate ferocity) in such a measured way that she is my goddamned hero.
I mean, it IS a republican hearing..
Which could either mean they’re shooting themselves in the foot regarding their insistence that taxpayers are covering abortion costs, OR the threat of releasing private information is a tactic in discouraging women from seeking abortions, despite all of the hurdles they’ve already set in place.
Then a new precedent needs to be set.
Ooh, how much do you want to bet they plant “patients” to talk about how they were forced into having an abortion.
I mean, I knew Texas hates women, but this just nails that shit right home.
I was under the impression that was covered in the 14th amendment- you know, the one no one gives a shit about despite their claims they “believe in the constitution”.
I don’t know if that will really matter after the fact though (assuming the information is eventually “leaked”).
They’re zealots, and domestic terrorists. Flat-out.
Dude, of course they will. They’re willing to doctor videos, spread blatant misinformation, and slander anyone in their path. There are no ethics in the pursuit of their fucked up idea of “morality”.
Fucking Zealots. How is this not a violation of HIPAA?
I feel like a biker clubhouse funeral > any church funeral.
Eh, I have a shithead of a mother, but damned if I don’t still want her approval. I like to think I’m better than that, and that I’ve come to terms with the fact that she’s a terrible person who despises me for some ridiculous reason or another, but it still stings.
I’ve only been to a handful of funerals, but every single one of them (and weddings too!) has been steamrolled by an evangelizing officiant (be it mormon, baptist, nondenom, catholic, etc.).
I feel you. Although, this happened at a wedding. I’ve been with my SO for 8 years. His brother got married to his gf of 3 years (I was a bridesmaid), and during the wedding they took family pictures (of course) with everyone but me. Including their cousin and his girlfriend of 2 months, and the bride’s brother and his…
My little brother was that way. Picture it: