
“peaked in preschool” is my favorite thing today.

I had a kid harass me like that in the fourth grade. The teacher did nothing (they didn’t in middle/high school either), and anything I did seemed to encourage him more.

Refer them to the “EA Spouse” story too (second hit on google).

I was a producer that got laid off with zero notice right before Christmas... but frankly, if I’d had a family to support in such an unstable industry? I’d switch to tech, or a related field wherein my skills would be applicable (engineering/manufacturing firm). Family > Dream job. Sad but true.

Absolutely. And you can explain it until you’re blue in the face, but it never sinks in.

Yes. I was a producer for a small time dev, and our overlords had a bit of problem with pitching realistic timelines.. When we were in a crunch (which was often) I worked out my pay to be way less than minimum wage (converting salary to hourly) with all of the time I was putting in. We even had devs working 24-36

I was under the impression it was playing upon the fact that everytime they’re at an awards show together, all eyes are on Kanye to do something. So he pretended to sleep for a moment while she was walking to the stage, just because he knew the cameras would cut to him. Plus, they were hyping the Kanye+Taylor moment

IIRC, I remember reading something she wrote about a Lipo procedure gone bad. I don’t know why she’d be a bad candidate for the face stuff though.

Seriously. That new song took me back to middle school when weed was “cool” yet no one had actually smoked it.

He’s just playing around. He was back up and in his seat by the time Taylor started talking.

OH, is that what he did? I only saw the camera cut to him in the midst of a fit of giggles.

Am pretty blonde. Still dislike Taylor Swift.

Yes. My SO, in particular, doesn’t like him because he’s “arrogant”. Part of me is like, can’t he be? I mean, he’s accomplished a lot, and has critical acclaim. Sure, our social code is to be humble, but that’s bullshit. Is it because he’s black and arrogant? Is it because he’s a rapper?

Can she be fired from an elected position? Or does the county have to impeach her? I’m so lost.

Somewhat related: I love, love, loved when Taylor accepted her award, and suddenly while the camera is on her, you hear a roar of laughter from the audience. For just a moment, the camera pans to Kanye sitting back down in his seat in a fit of giggles.

Just watched it again, definitely cut a portion of it out. Reports seems consistent that she said congratu-fucking-lations.. Which is a bit shitty.

This makes me so happy. Perfect gif.

Tell me about it. But the Lazy river w/ the white sand “beaches” were the shit, back when I went anyway.

Does that mean large nippies are trustworthy?