Excuse me, I believe you mean filthy gestation station.
Excuse me, I believe you mean filthy gestation station.
“Have you considered revising child labor laws (oh, the socialism! it burns!) so she can work to support herself, rather than being entitled to handouts by hard working adults?”
Well, I mean, the bible is cool with it. And we all know the bible is a bastion of morality.
Oh, how the times do change!
Now I feel sad no one ever sends me random gifts. :(
The only thing that piqued my interest was the increase in neurotransmitter activity without going full anti-depressant.
It’s time to add Ye!
True, I know a ton of guys who play females (in MMOs) and they too get random messages from guys thinking they’re women (which I don’t get the logic of, AT ALL).
I totally understand. MMOs can be demanding if you want to play them to their fullest capacity. I spent some time doing just that to “get it out of my system” because I know it won’t work when I start a family.
I KNOW. I use iPeriod to track my cycle, and when it starts sending me warnings “10 days late!” it’s meltdown mode. I started waiting for it to hit the 12-14 day mark before resorting to panic/pregnancy tests.
I feel you. I had a 65 DAY CYCLE. I was a nutcase (it’s usually 40-45 days). Even better when I had a 19 DAY cycle.
I was the same way (Whiskey & scotchscotchscotch). Then I decided to stop drinking, and I didn’t want to deal with people asking about it, so I just did what I would do when I was staying sober (DD) and ordered juice/soda/whatever with a straw & garnish (cherry foreverrrr).
Yeah, you can just say you’re not feeling well, or there’s a host of other drinks that people will assume are alcoholic.
I’ve done that too. Although, I brushed off a “cold” and one day woke up and realized I’d had it for 15 weeks, and couldn’t speak an entire sentence without a fit of coughing. Turns out I had walking pneumonia.
I honestly don’t know. My SO won’t go, even when he needs to. I think he gets it from his grandfather, that “manly” generation that takes pride in waiting until the last fucking minute, like they’re more honorable or some shit for not doing anything about it.
>But even here it is better to chose your fights correctly. For example the slandering of Witcher 3 for missing black people was totally out of place since this was a story about a even less represented minority the Slavic people.
I may have to check those out, especially as I love the RPG story elements.
Yep. Back when I played Halo, I had to have a gender-neutral/masculine armor color/emblem. Otherwise I’d catch shit.
I’d rather see compiled data from online games w/ registered users. Although, that might be an issue with underage players using their parents info to play.
But that also assumes Group A (girls) weren’t playing right along with Group B (boys) from the start. Sure, bitchy little shits in school will pick on you for liking anything they don’t like (or hell, even the things they do like), but that doesn’t represent the opinions or values of the group as a whole. It’s not…