
Yes, it’s like being a unicorn when someone realizes you actually play games, or have an interest in things that were for some reason deemed “boy” things.

That’s how it is with my female friends, as an adult. At a recent get-together, I had some guy friends who also play MMOs, and started talking to them about a new expac.. and my female friends (I only have two, out of the entirety of them, that play games) had zero idea what any of us were talking about. I can’t even

Eh, I think that dialogue is more about exclusionary development/marketing. There are games I’d like to play, but being pigeonholed into a male character with a male viewpoint gets old. I think that’s why I’ve encountered more women in the MMO genre than others. Also, the toxicity of FPS communities like CS, Halo,

It’s taught at a young age too.

That’s why I stopped playing Halo shortly before H2 dropped.

That’s the thing I don’t get - In MMOs most female characters are likely played by males, yet when I’m playing I still get weird compliments about my “hot” character.

Had a lot of GMs and guildies that felt they needed to look out for me. I can handle my own, but it was a nice gesture that they’d warn me of certain players who were on the creepy side. It never got too paternalistic, which I’d find annoying, and I never really had anyone persist in bothering me once I shut it down

I always hear that too, but I’ve never randomly received free loot. I have had established, long-time friends try to give me extra stuff (like, cosmetic drops that weren’t worth much) just as a friendly gesture, and when that happens (3-4 times) I always send them the gold (market value) for the item.

Majority mob. Same reason we don’t have a direct democracy.

I’ve only had one or two bad incidents in an MMO over my gender; fortunately I had DPS meters to back my skills up. But, I do often get the weird “Are you a Girl IRL? Can I see a pic?” “Your character is hot” type stuff.

I noticed a lot of females and males in the 30-60 demo while playing WoW. My old raiding guild had a 50-something female GM, and a few older gents as well as the 20-something crowd. Rarely encountered someone under 18-19 both in guilds and in Pug raids with voice.



That sucks. I think it depends on the community - as I never encountered that issue in SWTOR or GW2. When it comes to WoW, I came late to the game, and I didn’t really run LFG as I had an active guild, so I think that’s what spared me from a shared experience. Counter Strike and Halo on the other hand, I had to stay

>“Yes its fucked up, but unfortunately, all I can do to help there is not be an asshat when I meet a girl online.”

When I used to play FPS games, I learned it was better not to talk - because at the point in time, if someone noticed I was a girl, I’d get focused/targeted by the opposing team, or I’d have dudes try to chat me up. Rarely went without incident, even when playing with friends IRL on XBL. Turned me off of the genre, as

I can’t decide if he reminds me more of a toad or turtle.

To be fair, it happened at a condo on Schweitzer Mountain - a popular ski resort with some decent Summer recreation. I’m down the mountain from there at the moment - ~1 mile away - very rarely (if ever) see any encounters with bears in town. Usually just Moose. It’s rare enough to have happened on the mountain that it

I’m about 1 mile away from where that happened right now - we all have bird feeders. Also, Moose. Lots of Moose. (I’m not saying Meese. Ever.)

Are you kidding? 1991 and Fantasea were on point. Broke with Expensive Taste is an incredible, creative, yet energizing endeavor.