
You must also consider that cultural scenarios often did not have women picking their own partners, let alone picking them based on penis size, especially given the long time frames in which evolution takes place.

You get the funding for the project, and I'll do the leg work. Then perhaps we can put the myths to bed.

Nailed it.

But..but.. without him, we wouldn't have the comedic gold of ""I have a good long, rock hard vagina"

I work in the medical field, and am convinced that egotism is a necessity to be a surgeon. Which, ties into my beliefs about arrogance and egotism, in that such a high degree of self-belief and confidence is necessary to combat the immense pressure and risk experienced in some professions.

I felt the same way watching the Kimmel interview - the discomfort of knowing that many just wouldn't get what he's trying to say and simply write him off as crazy and egotistical.

I believe that qualifies as the gap.

The "thigh gap" thing, as was promoted by sites like reddit and The Chive, seems to consist of positioning the legs in a way where the gap is noticeable, not simply standing normally. (As evidenced by the photos tagged as gap posts)

I appreciate Kanye, I'm not a huge fan, but I like his music, and can see the talent that inspires it. I don't really care about his egotism, it doesn't offend me. It has no impact on me, whatsoever. I think he gets a hard time because people feel the need to regulate or punish someone who abandons social rules, like

I don't even care about the plethora of augmented breasts, more the fact that those women are pandering to the site's followers with revealing, sexualized photos purely in hopes of gaining a sense of value and self-worth.

The comment section is a prime resource for a cultural snapshot of female objectification.

Yeah, I think the issue with Kim's clothing choices is one I can relate to, in which trends in fashion aren't agreeable with an exaggerated hourglass form, or any body type other than a very narrow, lithe frame.

Apparently, Kanye poured his heart out in a BBC interview, and Kimmel spoofed it on his show with children, Kanye was offended and expressed it on twitter, and in the interview he's essentially giving context to the interview and explaining why he feels the way he does.

I believe he is referring to the focus on the clothing he wears, not the Kanye t-shirt.

Or they can at least present that appearance. I imagine when your success is largely based around YOU and your abilities, it's easy to feel proud of what you have accomplished, and yet one would also need an immense sense of confidence and self-belief to combat the constant insecurity and fear that failure is always

Aren't we all suffering from at least one mental disorder?

Well, I think his points were about himself primarily because he was attempting to give context to what the original BBC interview was about, and why he was offended by the spoof. By voicing what he experiences, as a wealthy, successful black man, it may attest to what others are experiencing as well.

The Chive. They have a regular photo posting to "Mind the Gap" (seen here:…) and "DAT GAP" is apparently a thing now. I've had a gap, and I've been without one (I've got wide hips for my frame). It is more comfortable with gap, but it doesn't really fucking matter unless you're

Dick Durbin, Bernie Sanders and Tom Harkin also threw down. Watching CSPAN yesterday was like the Super Bowl for me.

This is my favorite story! I'm dating a "sex vampire" and it's The. Best.