
Age: 14

True, but this way she gets money while being a "sexy adult"

I don't get it either. They have the designs, they just need knowledgeable talent that can adjust the proportions appropriately, and BAM, done. I had an acquaintance, who is now a style blogger for Lucky and an aspiring fashion designer, who was a wizard at finding current, stylish items for her size. I used to beg

For denim, it's primarily to be inclusive. Tall women struggle to find jeans that are long enough, while shorties like me get them hemmed to suit. As a former Nordstrom denim slinger, designer denim purchases- Hudson, Seven, Paige, Joe's, R&R, Citizens, etc. - have a pretty long inseam (perhaps 36"? It's been a while,

Holy shit, I wrote a novel. Apologies.

I have a few different takes on this, although my opinion matters little. It seems to me that in her attempts to establish herself as an edgy, trendy "adult" she's focusing on a hyper-sexualized concept of being an attractive adult, and in effect, is coming off desperate and trashy. I understand this, as I was in a

I can relate, my mother and grandmother are both medical professionals, and they're still super awkward about everything involving sex. I don't think I had a proper sex talk, fortunately I was a resourceful teen. Ha.

It's like saying someone is "acting white" - which white? Deep South white? Redneck White? Midwestern corn-fed white? WASP white? Granola White? OC White? I just wish, at some point, the feeble minds of society could stretch to grasp that people are people. Yes, they may be influenced by geographic

That's something I actually appreciate about HBO. The diversity of boobs. Game of Thrones, Girls, True Blood, etc. show an amazing variety of boob types, including those not considered conventionally attractive (mostly due to not fitting the formula for social ideals of "perfect breasts" and lack of representation

I always think of that type of labia as The Bart Simpson labia.

I know exactly what you mean, I used to do the same until I decided to check out a vagina acceptance/appreciation blog on tumblr, and only then realized how extremely diverse each vagina (or rather, vulvas) is.

Seriously? The term "Front Butt" grosses me out, while "Vagina" doesn't at all. "Vagina" is powerful, strong, beautiful. "Front Butt" is just crude and nasty, almost undermining the awesomeness that is the vagina.

Mine frequently gets mistaken for Joan Baez. Still, not as cool as QEII!

oops, double posted..

My mom and I have been getting polka dot pedicures together for the last few years, as she can't wear fingernail polish at work. They're fun, cute and a bit unexpected. Plus, the guy who does them for me manages to make the dots look random, and in a variety of sizes.

Now playing

Yep. Guy in a (legitimate) kilt? Consider my panties effectively dropped.